Green Pass, Bassetti: “Compulsory for buses? Then compulsory vaccines”

The infectious disease specialist: “It makes sense for trains, cinemas, indoor restaurants or stadiums. But if Ricciardi’s is a provocation I can also share it” “The Green pass is certainly the tool to guarantee greater safety for everyone. With 30 -35% of the Italian population still not vaccinated “against Covid-19,” to use public transport only with the Green pass is equivalent to putting the obligation to vaccinate. The Green pass makes sense to get on a train, a plane, a cinema, to go to the theater and to the restaurant indoors or to the stadium. But on the metro and on the bus it makes more sense to decide to impose the obligation, because the message to those who are not vaccinated is ‘stay at home’ “. Matteo Bassetti, head of infectious diseases at the San Martino hospital in Genoa, underlines this to Adnkronos Health, commenting on the proposal of the consultant to the Minister of Health, Walter Ricciardi, to use the Green pass also on public transport. If Ricciardi’s proposal “wants to be a provocative stimulus to get vaccinated, it is a proposal that I can also share”, adds Bassetti.