University, what you need to know to pass the Medicine test

‘Doubts ban!’. It is the webinair organized by Consulcesi to provide a compass for aspiring medical students who are grappling with the entry test applications that close on 22 July. “In the various years of activity – explains Bruno Borin, Consulcesi’s business legal manager – we have often taken on situations of exclusion from admission due to formal defects linked to the announcement and, therefore, to the presentation of the necessary documentation. For this reason – he underlines together to Sara Saurini, legal communication manager in the live webinar we give answers to the most frequently asked questions in order to help all those who find it difficult to access registration for the limited number test “. ‘Ban doubts!’ wants to provide answers to the main questions of the participants. Here are some of them. When is the application refined? The application is to be considered concluded and completed only with the payment of the registration fee which can also take place after 22 July, the deadline for submitting the application, but not later than 2 August. The only way to register is through the portal. How is the test structured? The test is unique for Medicine and Dentistry and identical in all exam sites. It is made up of 60 multiple choice questions: general culture, logic, chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics. The time is 100 minutes and is one of the most important factors for successfully carrying out the test. It will take place on Friday 3 September at 1pm. What to do before the test? It is good to monitor the university website where the test will take place to find out about the anti-contagion measures that will be adopted on the day of the test, because they could become harsh if there were an increase in infections. What to remember on the day of the test? The first advice is to arrive well in advance, in order to be able to submit to the anti Covid measures provided for in each individual Faculty, avoiding the risk of not arriving on time. Before leaving the house, check your identification documents. Each candidate is recommended to verify the integrity of the package containing the proof and to report the anomaly immediately if necessary. How is the score constructed? As written in the announcement, those who have obtained a score equal to or greater than 20 will enter the ranking. Each correct answer will be assigned 1.5 points, each wrong answer will be subtracted 0.4 points, for each omitted answer the score will be equal to zero. Where there is a strong doubt, it is better not to answer. The maximum score is 90. In the event of a tie, specific weight is given to the various themes: therefore pay attention to the questions you answer, more weight to logic and general culture and to follow in descending order biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. In case of further equality, the youngest student will be chosen. What to do after the test? The ‘crucial day’, or 28 September, is defined as the publication of the ranking. From this date, it will be possible to check one’s position in the ranking and find different entries next to the name: assigned, in case of passing the test, to be followed by enrollment within 4 days; booked, if you have returned to the second or third choice of Faculty included in the application. In both cases it is necessary to formalize, by 12 noon on the fifth day following the scrolling of the ranking, the interest in remaining in the ranking, otherwise there is a risk of elimination from the ranking.

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