Covid today Italy, Civil Protection and regional contagion bulletin July 16

The Covid Italia bulletin today, Friday 16 July 2021, with data from the Civil Protection and region by region. News on infections, hospitalizations and deaths – from Lombardy to Lazio, from Veneto to Puglia, from Sardinia to Sicily -, and numbers on vaccines. The latest news from big cities such as Rome, Milan and Naples while the debate on the hypothesis of the mandatory green pass in the country is ignited, on alert for the Delta variant. Data from the regions: TUSCANY There are 169 new coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, July 16, 2021, according to data from the region’s bulletin. A new death has been recorded. The new infections bring to 245,511 cases registered since the beginning of the pandemic. New cases are 0.1% more than the previous day’s total. The average age of 169 new positives today is approximately 33 years (27% are under 20, 39% between 20 and 39, 26% between 40 and 59, 6% between 60 and 79, 2% have 80 years or more). The healed grow by 0.03% and reach 236,939 (96.5% of total cases). Today 5,629 molecular swabs and 5,791 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 1.5% were positive. On the other hand, 4,784 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular buffer, excluding the control swabs), of which 3.5% were positive. The currently positive are 1,674 today, + 6.8% compared to yesterday.The people hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 76 (1 less than yesterday, less 1.3%), 16 in intensive care ( 1 more than yesterday, up 6.7%). Today there is 1 new death: a 67-year-old man. In the meantime, the 3 and a half million vaccines administered in the Region have been exceeded. BASILICATA There are 10 new coronavirus infections today 16 July in Basilicata, according to data from the latest bulletin. No new deaths. New cases of contagion were recorded on a total of 309 molecular swabs. This was announced by the regional task force of Basilicata with the daily bulletin. The Lucanians recovered or negativized are 13. The hospitalized in the hospitals of Potenza and Matera are 14 (+2) of which none in intensive care while the current positives are in all 561 (-3). For the vaccination, 6,536 doses were administered yesterday. So far 325,658 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (58.9 per cent) and 200,318 have also received the second dose (36.2 per cent) for a total of 525,976 administrations. Residents in Basilicata are 553,254

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