Green pass for clubs, trains, cinemas: tight even in Italy?

Green pass covid mandatory to enter restaurants, cinemas or theaters, but also to take the train or, more generally, in all events or places where more than 50 people are gathered. France announces new measures and restrictions against the Delta variant of the coronavirus from 21 July and the debate between for and against is also ignited in Italy. The idea, for example, appeals to the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo: “I agree with Macron that vaccination is one of the keys to returning to normality. To convince the last diehards, use the green pass for this type of event it could be a good solution. It could also be a boost for vaccination “, explained on Monday to the Tg2 Post on RaiDue. The president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti is also favorable:” On the green pass I agree with the France! As governor, how could I explain to citizens who have been vaccinated that they may have to limit their freedoms again, despite so many sacrifices, because of those who did not want to protect themselves? I am vaccinated. Like me, millions of people have it done out of civic sense, for one’s own health and that of others. It is not an obligation but I think it is right, as France has chosen, to prevent access to bars, restaurants, cinemas and many other activities for those who do not have the green pass or at least the swab done in the previous hours. Because we have regained these freedoms above all thanks to those who made that vaccine. And today it does not deserve to have to give it up because of those who have been watching … and often criticizing, ”he wrote yesterday on Facebook.
The Northern League leader Matteo Salvini is out of the chorus: “Vaccine, tampon or Green Pass to enter bars and restaurants? Let’s not joke”, the post on Twitter. this point of the pandemic, with the Delta variant spreading, there are no alternatives: either green pass for all public events or vaccination obligation for all categories at risk. There is no third way, useless to go around it, the alternative would be the anarchy hoped for by the denier right. In the United Kingdom, which many take as a model, they are going into crisis because infections are increasing among those who are not vaccinated or those who have only taken the first dose. stem the risks of the new variant “. Contrary to the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana who yesterday, after what seemed to be an opening on the subject, specified: “I did not say that the green pass should be encouraged. I said that, where it has been foreseen, we are in a position to apply it , because our vaccination campaign is going very well “. “At the moment there is no need, also because the vaccination campaign is going very well and we do not need to use measures like the French ones to incentivize it,” he continued. “It is not that I ask for the use of the green pass to go to the restaurant. There are some activities for which the use of the green pass is required, but there are conflicts at the level of the Privacy Guarantor. Not more, but where it is already foreseen “, underlined Fontana.

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