Renzi investigated for documentary: “Nothing to hide, I fear nothing and no one”

“Today at half past five a journalist, Emiliano Fittipaldi, calls me and says ‘Senator, I inform you that you are being investigated by the prosecutor of Rome’. Usually these communications are made by the magistrates or the judicial police, in Italy the information is given by a journalist … “. So Matteo Renzi in a video on Facebook, after receiving the news of being investigated for illegal financing in relation to the story of the documentary of the leader of IV on Florence, ‘Florence according to me’, made by Lucio Presta’s company, Arcobaleno Tre. Read also “I do not know what this guarantee notice can be substantiated by, it speaks of my professional activity that would be illicit financing, something that is neither in heaven nor on earth. confronting us in the trial. What strikes me is that someone perhaps thinks that I can stop in front of certain things, get nervous or discouraged: those who know me know that I am one of those who really goes against the tide and who was not afraid to go against everything and everyone to change a government. Can you imagine if some veiled warning or some guarantee notice communicated via the press on a certain day “, that is the one of the publication of the book.” They are coincidences that repeat themselves . The other time when I made the presentation of the book they arrested my father and my mother, this time they limited themselves to a guarantee notice … “, he adds.” With great tranquility and determination. ion, I say that I go forward with more determination than before, I go ahead with my head held high “, continues Renzi in the video. “What it concerns is all transparent and traced. I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. And therefore good job to the magistrates who do their duty to investigate, we are at their disposal.” to those who don’t let themselves stop. I’m not afraid of anyone or anything. We sent home a government because things didn’t work out, I’d do it again today. people involved. But there is the absolute awareness not only of not having done anything illegal but also that the battle we are doing is right. Against the tide with more force than before “.

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