Cuba, Movimento San Isidro Italy: “Regime has been wrong for 62 years’

“Peaceful demonstrations are underway in Cuba, born spontaneously. People who are tired of a system that has oppressed them for 62 years, and of a situation that with Covid has become dramatic, are taking to the streets. But it was already sick before”. This is how Sadiel Gonzalez Gutierrez, an Italian-Cuban who has lived in Italy for 15 years and has worked in the tourism sector in the province of Bolzano, describes the situation on the island by talking to Adnkronos. Gonzalez Gutierrez manages together with others a ‘support page’ on Facebook that wants – through the power of images – to show the reality of Cuba. A support page for the San Isidro Movement of Cuba, from which it takes its name, born just when, last November, the police raided Havana at the headquarters of the Movement of artists, activists, journalists and intellectuals. “The fault of the discontent is not only Covid, it is the regime that has made everything wrong for 62 years, people can’t take it anymore, they want freedom, free elections, they want President Miguel Diaz Canel to go away, they want to choose their own rulers, because the true sovereign is the people. And above all, they are no longer afraid. Because now the Cuban has the Internet, a cell phone. The Internet has given a voice to the Cuban people, the Internet is the weapon that the Cuban possesses and that allows them to see and let people know what is happening “, explains Gonzalez Gutierrez. “The demonstrations – he continues – started from a small town called San Antonio de los Banos, then spread to the cities, now they continue especially in the most important population centers. There has been repression, there have been police charges, the videos reach us. They have activated a sort of state of emergency and the police have been instructed to act above all in the dark. But they also shoot during the day. There is talk of 13-20 dead, more than 200 people missing “. “The Cubans have no weapons and we do not want a civil war. But we hear Diaz Canel trying to divide instead of pacifying, he says that the streets are revolutionaries, he pits one (the very few who support the dictatorship) against the other”. “And the regime – he continues – is also guilty of not letting international organizations, from Amnesty to others, enter. It should ask for help, allow the entry of UN medical brigades: the health system has collapsed, people are dying at home,” there is not only Covid but also hemorrhagic Dengue “. To say all this, the meetings and demonstrations of Cubans in Italy, of the various groups present in the country, will continue in the next few days, from Rome where there were about forty-fifty people to arrive at many more, to other cities. Among the upcoming events, tomorrow’s one in Bolzano and that of the 15th at the consulate in Milan.

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