Covid today Italy, 63,815 infections and 133 deaths: April 16 bulletin

There are 63,815 coronavirus infections in Italy today, April 16, 2022, according to numbers and covid data – region by region – in the Civil Protection and Ministry of Health bulletin. Another 133 dead were recorded. The total number of victims since the beginning of the pandemic rises to 161,602 while, overall, the cases of Covid since the beginning of the emergency are 15,659,835. Read also Intensive care patients drop, 411 in total and eight fewer than yesterday, and hospitalized with symptoms, 9,878 in total and 102 fewer than yesterday. 14,276,895 people have recovered from the virus, 61,986 in the last 24 hours. To date, coronavirus positives in Italy are 1,221,338, 2,414 more than yesterday. COVID ITALY BULLETIN, REGION NUMBERS BY REGION OF LOMBARDY – There are 8,598 new cases of Covid in Lombardy today, compared to 67,713 swabs performed, with a positivity rate of 12.7%. In the last 24 hours 34 people have died, for a total of 39,597 deaths in the region since the beginning of the pandemic. 35 people are hospitalized in intensive care, 2 less than yesterday. On the other hand, the number of patients in ordinary Covid wards is growing slightly: today there are 1,126, 8 more than 24 hours ago. In the province of Milan there are 2,940 new cases. Brescia follows with 1.033. Three-digit increase in infections in the other Lombard provinces: Varese +821, Monza and Brianza +811, Bergamo +570, Como +528, Pavia +430, Mantua +401, Lecco +292, Cremona +265, Sondrio +150 and Lodi + 148.LAZIO – There are 6,894 new infections registered today, April 16, in Lazio according to the bulletin with Covid data from the Region. Seven dead. Specifically, “out of 7,450 molecular swabs and 40,292 antigenic swabs, for a total of 47,742 swabs, 6,894 new positive cases are recorded (-53); 7 deaths (-6), 1,191 hospitalized (+21), 69 therapies intensive (-1) and +6,493 the healed. The ratio between positives and swabs is 14.4%. Cases in Rome city are at 3,451 “. VENETO – There are 6,354 new coronavirus infections today April 16 in Veneto, according to the data of the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 10 deaths. The cases recorded in the last 24 hours are up compared to yesterday (6,325). The total number of infected since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to 1,591,636, that of deaths to 14,333. The figure for the currently positive subjects falls, 77,424 (yesterday they were 78,010). The situation of hospital numbers is improving, with 871 Covid patients hospitalized in the medical area (compared to 871 the day before) and 39 (-4) in intensive care CAMANIA – 6,971 new coronavirus infections emerged today, April 16, in Campania from the analysis of 37,878 tests, 4 deaths recorded in today’s bulletin released by the crisis unit of the Campania Region. 35 Covid patients in intensive care and 703 Covid patients in hospital wards are hospitalized in the region’s hospitals. EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 4,656 infections today, April 16, in Emilia-Romagna out of a total of 20,838 swabs performed in the last 24 hours, of which 9,246 are molecular and 11,592 rapid antigen tests. This was reported by the bulletin with the Covid data of the Region. Overall, the percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made is 22.3%. Eleven deaths. The patients currently admitted to intensive care in Emilia-Romagna are 30 (-1 compared to yesterday, equal to -3.2%), the average age is 68.6 years. As for the patients hospitalized in the other Covid departments, they are 1,278 (-32 compared to yesterday, -2.4%), average age 75.7 years. The average age of the new positives today is 46.2 years.TUSCANY – There are 3,983 new coronavirus infections today April 16 in Tuscany, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 7 deaths. The new cases, 1,055 confirmed with molecular swab and 2,928 by rapid antigen test, bring the total to 1,050,045 since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic and are 0.4% more than the previous day’s total. The average age of 3,983 new positives today is approximately 46 years. 16% are under the age of 20, 18% between 20 and 39, 32% between 40 and 59, 24% between 60 and 79, 10% are 80 or older.
Today 4,596 molecular swabs and 20,545 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 15.8% were positive. On the other hand, 5,326 subjects were tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swabs, excluding control swabs), of which 74.8% were positive. The currently positive are 51,754 today, + 2.8% compared to yesterday. The healed grew by 0.3% and reached 988,601 (94.1% of total cases). The people admitted to the beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 740 (8 less than yesterday, minus 1.1%), 30 in intensive care (6 less than yesterday, minus 16.7%). Of the 7 new deaths, 5 are men and 2 women with an average age of 83 years. With regard to the province of residence, the deceased people are: 1 in Massa Carrara, 1 in Pisa, 2 in Arezzo, 1 in Siena, 2 in Grosseto PUGLIA – There are 5,277 new coronavirus infections today April 16 in Puglia, according to data of the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 19 deaths. The new cases, identified through 28,835 swabs, are divided as follows by province: Bari: 1,954; Bat: 391; Brindisi: 474; Province of Foggia: 673; Lecce: 956; Taranto: 752; Residents outside the region: 57; Province in definition: 20. There are 101,285 people currently positive, 610 hospitalized in a non-critical area and 29 in intensive care. Overall data: 1,002,188 total cases, 10,217,614 swabs performed, 892,747 people healed and 8,156 deaths FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – 324 new infections were detected today, April 16, in Friuli Venezia Giulia on 3,557 molecular swabs, with a percentage of positivity of 9.11%. This was reported by the bulletin with the Covid data of the Region. In addition, 6,556 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 870 cases (13.27%) were detected. Two deaths, while the number of people hospitalized in intensive care has dropped to two and 138 patients hospitalized in other departments. The Region of Sardinia reports it in a note. A total of 9443 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. The patients admitted to the intensive care units are 19 (-2). The patients admitted to the medical area are 331 (-5). There are 29762 cases of home isolation (-96). The death of a 68-year-old man residing in Southern Sardinia is recorded.BASILICATA – In Basilicata there are 714 new cases of contagion from Sars Cov-2, out of a total of 3,322 swabs (molecular and antigenic), and 2 deaths are recorded for COVID-19. These are the data from the regional bulletin of the coronavirus task force referring to the last 24 hours. The deceased are two women aged 92 and 84 who resided in Grassano and Potenza. 663 healings were recorded. The hospitalized for Covid-19 are 93 (-2) of which 2 in intensive care: 69 (of which 2 in TI) in the Potenza hospital; 24 in that of Matera. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are 26,524. For the vaccination, 279 administrations were made yesterday. So far 468,045 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (84.6 percent of the population which amounts to 553,254 residents), 441,552 have received the second (79.8 percent), 354,261 are the third doses (64 percent) and 568 (0.1 per cent) the fourth doses, for a total of 1,264,426 administrations carried out VALLE D’AOSTA – In the last 24 hours in Valle d’Aosta 104 new positives for Covid-19 were detected and it was registered a death. There were 52 healings. The current infected rose to 1,392, of which 16 were hospitalized and one in intensive care. There are 1,375 people in home isolation. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 528 victims. This is what we read in the Covid emergency bulletin issued by the Region of Valle d’Aosta based on data from the USL.

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