Alisei, Massimiliano Boggetti new president

The annual Ordinary Assembly of Members of the National Life Sciences Alisei Technological Cluster was held yesterday, during which Massimiliano Boggetti was appointed new President, the presentation of the new Directive Commission was celebrated and the 2021 economic budget approved. Cluster Members’ Assembly opened with an update on the activities carried out in the three-year period 2019-2021, which saw the Cluster protagonist of numerous projects for the creation and acceleration of new companies in the Life Sciences sector and the activation of paths to accompany the growth of academic start-ups and spin-offs, under the guidance of Dr. Diana Bracco, outgoing president of Alisei. “Six years ago I gladly accepted this challenge because it is very consistent with my many years of commitment to Research & Innovation. Since then, Alisei has grown a lot: we have managed to give centrality to our sector, obtaining greater attention from policy makers towards life sciences. A sector that represents over 11% of the Italian GDP and which is also the spearhead of our innovation on which to focus to create development. There have been many battles conducted together in recent years: from that of the creation of Mind and the Human Technopole in the ex-Expo area of ​​Milan to the signing of the memorandum of understanding with the Agrifood Cluster, from the beautiful editions of the Meet in Italy for Life Sciences the important reshoring project; from work for technology transfer to the great commitment made at Expo 2020 in Dubai with the Health Innovation Global Forum, an occasion of real pride for us ”, explains President Bracco at the end of her mandate. Diana Bracco concludes: “In light of recent events that have impacted the whole world, today more than ever health must be seen as the main investment for all countries. Investing in health generates well-being in the population, opportunities for growth, employment, sustainable development and equality. We need a long-term vision and strong collaboration between the health system and businesses, which are often at the frontier of innovation. I am sure that Alisei will do its part and, in honor of its name, it will be a sure wind that will help the sector to navigate and orient itself successfully in the future that awaits us “. Afterwards, the elections of the new Directive Commission took place. for the three-year period 2022-2024, which appointed Massimiliano Boggetti as the new President of the Alisei Cluster. President in office since 2019 of Confindustria Medical Devices, Confindustria Medical Devices Services and member of the General Council of Confindustria, Massimiliano Boggetti was recently elected President of the pharmaceutical, medical devices and chemical section for Confindustria Toscana Sud and is Coordinator of the Health Advisory Commission of Confindustria Tuscany. The newly elected Directive Commission of the ALISEI Cluster, chaired by him, is composed of the vice-president Davide Ederle, former president of the Italian Biotechnologists Association and technology transfer manager of the Trentino Innovation Hub Foundation, by the commissioners Silva Bortolussi, associate professor of the University of Pavia with research assignment at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Vera Codazzi, cluster manager at the Lombard Life Sciences Cluster, and Luigi Boggio, representing industrial organizations. In the official opening speech, Boggetti said: “Working for the development of the ‘life sciences’ in Alisei represents a mission that I feel strong, not only because it is my professional passion, but even more so in the light of the current situation. Today, in spite of ourselves, we are experiencing two epochal phenomena: the pandemic, certainly not over, and the war, with its unbearable destruction. These two tragedies made the The value of life, and the “life sciences” that exist precisely to improve this fragile life, become a solid foothold to cling to in order to believe in a better future. “” Today the PNRR – continued the new president Boggetti – gives us no only a historic opportunity, but its success is based on the ability that our country will be able to demonstrate in creating a system. Here, I see the Alisei Cluster as a ‘catalyst subject’, precisely in the chemical meaning of the term: we must be the molecule that intervenes during a biochemical reaction and that allows a lowering of the activation energy and therefore increases the speed and success of the reaction. itself. We must help Italy to return to firmly believe in science, research, medicine and therefore in the health of Italians, by investing in the education, culture and training of young people. We must support – concluded Massimiliano Boggetti – the health service, research and industrial production, allowing Italy to grow in terms of public health, attracting intelligence and investments, increasing employment and GDP. We must promote the value of the white economy (as a whole as research, hospital and industry) in the world, because with 11% of GDP and 10% of employment it is fully an excellence of ‘Made in Italy’ “. The directive commission is made up as follows: Davide Ederle, Vice-President – Graduated in Biotechnology, he holds a master’s in Scientific Communication and a master’s in Business Management. He began his career as a researcher, but then dedicated himself, both in institutional and business development, technology transfer and project management in the biotechnology field. He plays an active role in the National Association of Italian Biotechnologists, of which he was National President for two terms. He is currently Technology Transfer Manager for Life Sciences at the Foundation Hub Innovazione Trentino and holds courses related to technology transfer in various Italian universities, including the University of Bari and Milan-Bicocca. to Bortolussi, Expression Commissioner of the National Research Bodies-Graduated cum laude in Nuclear Physics, she then obtained a doctorate in Physics and a second level Master in Open Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. Dr. Bortolussi has carried out and carries out important scientific editing and dissemination activities, and research activities in the medical application of nuclear physics. Currently, Dr. Bortolussi is Associate Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Pavia, member of the National Scientific Commission of the INFN, and Secretary General of the International Society of Neutron Capture Therapy. Vera Codazzi, Commissioner for Expression of Territorial Bodies – Graduated in Biotechnology, with a PhD in Industrial Biotechnology at the University of Milan-Bicocca, she worked for 3 years in the field of microbial metabolic engineering. Dr. Codazzi then worked in the Research Department of Assobiomedica since 2011, starting in the PRI group (Assobiomedica annual report on Production, Research and Innovation in the medical device sector). From 2013 to 2018 she was the Innovation referent in Assobiomedica, dealing with startups, technological innovation, clusters, specialization networks, Horizon 2020 and research and innovation grants at European, national and regional level. You have exploited your scientific background to foster the innovation process in the medical device sector, facilitating collaboration between universities and industries, and promoting startups in the sector towards Research & Innovation. Since March 2018 he has been Cluster Manager of the Lombard Life Sciences Cluster and, in the last three years, he has also supported the Alisei Cluster, thanks to his activity as technical secretariat of the Cluster Luigi Boggio, Expression Commissioner of Business Associations – Graduated in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Genoa spent a decades-long career at Johnson & Johnson up to holding the role of General Manager. He was CEO of B. Braun and President of Assobiomedica, now Confindustria Medical Devices. He is currently Commissioner of Alisei since 2019 and a member of the Presidential Council of Confindustria Medical Devices.

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