DIRECT. Presidential 2022: the list of candidates will be officially unveiled at midday – franceinfo

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12:13 p.m. : Let’s take stock of the main information of this Monday:

Twelve candidates will be in the running for the first round of the presidential election, including Philippe Poutou, confirmed the President of the Constitutional Council Laurent Fabius.

The Russian army claimed that it would open humanitarian corridors this morning from four cities (Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv and Sumy). But some lead to Russia or Belarus. They are not “not an acceptable option”, reacted Ukraine.

A third round of talks between Ukraine and Russia is due to take place in Belarus today as the Russian offensive continues. According to local authorities, nine people were killed in a strike on Vinnytsia airport, and the mayor of Hostomel died.

The French delegation won two gold medals this morning: Cécile Hernandez is titled in snowboard cross and Arthur Bauchet in super-combined. He had already been crowned downhill on Saturday.

12:11 p.m. : The final list of 12 candidates is already online on the website of the Constitutional Council, and its president Laurent Fabius has just announced it. Here she is: Nathalie Arthuad, Fabien Roussel, Emmanuel Macron, Jean Lassalle, Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Valérie Pécresse, Philippe Poutou and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan.

12:10 p.m. : Philippe Poutou has obtained the necessary 500 sponsorships and will be a candidate in the presidential election. A total of twelve candidates are in the running.

11:50 a.m. : Yannick Jadot, guest of Sud Radio this morning, once again criticized Jean-Luc Mélenchon about his position on the war in Ukraine. He accuses her of keeping “great speeches on peace by quoting the great Jaurès to hide his complacency and to hide his capitulation to a dictatorship, that of Vladimir Putin”.

11:44 am : “The process that led to this position does not seem to me to be consistent with what we have built in recent months and even less to embody a different way of doing politics..

The position of the Popular Primary becomes even more complicated: Mathilde Imer, one of its two spokespersons, announces that she is leaving the organization in reaction the choice to support Jean-Luc Mélenchon announced yesterday. The rebellious candidate had arrived in third position in the ballot, behind Christiane Taubira but also Yannick Jadot.

11:27 : Will Emmanuel Macron participate in debates against the other candidates for the presidential election? “It will depend on the format”, said this morning the deputy LREM Laurent Saint Martin, treasurer of the campaign of the outgoing president. He believes that a debate bringing together “12 candidates with 1 minute 30 each of speaking time” would not allow to have “a substantive debate, program against program”.

11:09 : The attack on Ukraine by Russia has upset the calendar of the presidential campaign, in particular the date of the declaration of candidacy of Emmanuel Macron, and the subject monopolizes the debates. But could it justify a postponement of the presidential election? Our journalist Pauline Lecouvé explains to you why this option would require a revision of the Constitution, which is highly unlikely.

10:44 am : Jordan Bardella also assured that his party would continue to distribute a campaign leaflet showing the photo of a handshake between Marine Le Pen and Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “The President of the Republic has a vocation to speak with all the leaders of the world”he justifies, denying that his party is “tender” with Russia.

10:44 am : The National Rally sees in the rallying of Marion Maréchal to Eric Zemmour, formalized yesterday, “a somewhat desperate attempt to save the countryside”assured Jordan Bardella earlier on franceinfo. The acting president of the party insists that Marine Le Pen is “best placed” to beat Emmanuel Macron.

10:15 a.m. : “I will vote Yannick Jadot and I will campaign”assures Sandrine Rousseau, ousted from her team last Thursday after an article in the Parisian lending him very critical remarks on the environmental candidate. “This eviction was brutalshe reacts, however, in the “4 Truths” on France 2. I do not shoot against my side, I bring to life a social, popular ecology.

09:27 : Let’s recall the main news of this Monday:

The Russian army, which is continuing its offensive in Ukraine, has claimed that it would open humanitarian corridors this morning from four cities (Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv and Sumy). But some lead to Russia or Belarus. Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are due to take place today.

President of the Constitutional Council will formalize at noon the list of candidates who will be able to participate in the presidential election. Only uncertainty: the qualification or not of Philippe Poutou. Emmanuel Macron is going to Poissy (Yvelines) this evening for his first campaign trip.

The French delegation won two gold medals this morning: Cécile Hernandez is titled in snowboard cross and Arthur Bauchet in super-combined. He had already been crowned downhill on Saturday.

08:57 : Antoine Comte has also interviewed several analysts on Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s chances of reaching the second round of the presidential election. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon has definitely left the 9 to 10% zonethinks Bruno Cautrès, political scientist at the CNRS and Cevipof of Sciences Po Paris. It is therefore not forbidden to think, in a context quite comparable to that of 2017 and with a left-wing electorate who fears being humiliated again, that he is still progressing.

08:56 : Jean-Luc Mélenchon brought together several thousand people, 15,000 according to La France insoumise, during a meeting in Lyon yesterday. Our journalist Antoine Comte was there to meet the voters who came to listen to him in the former working-class district of Croix-Rousse. “La Croix-Rousse and Jean Jaurès, that speaks to us a lot as left-wing voters, but if we chose to vote for him, it is above all because he is in the best position to win”explained to him Michel and Catherine, two pensioners accustomed to voting for the PS.


07:55 : The rallying of Marion Maréchal to Eric Zemmour, although expected, was one of the events of the day yesterday. “It is difficult to anticipate the gain [qu’Eric Zemmour] can draw from it. In any case, what it says is that Marine Le Pen continues to be weakened”, analysis Mathieu Souquiereconsultant at the Jean Jaurès Foundation. “She does not attract. On the contrary, there is a kind of repulsive phenomenon.”


07:52 : Let’s start with a point on the main news of the day:

The Russian offensive continues in Ukraine. Last night, intense bombardments hit Kharkiv, the country’s second largest city in the north, and Mykolaiv in the south.

“France is not at war, NATO is not at war”, hammered yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian on France 2, after a new telephone exchange between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine. The latter said to himself determined to achieve their goals “by negotiation or by war” according to the Elysée.

Emmanuel Macron is going to Poissy (Yvelines) this evening for his first campaign trip. The President of the Constitutional Council will formalize at noon the list of candidates who will be able to participate in the election. Only uncertainty: the qualification or not of Philippe Poutou.

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