Zone Interdite – “An angel”, “a nugget”, “she’s incredible”, “she deserves the Legion of Honor”: the hairdresser of the Alzheimer’s Village becomes the favorite of Internet users – Yahoo News

This Sunday, March 6, 2022, M6 broadcast a poignant Forbidden Zone on Alzheimer’s disease and more specifically on the early forms of the disease. Between the moving portraits of patients, some of whom were barely fifty at the time of diagnosis, viewers were fortunately able to find something to warm their hearts: a hairdresser officiating in an Alzheimer’s village made a strong impression on them.

Direct M6 screen capture/Forbidden Zone

Alzheimer’sa word that is terribly scary […] Surely because we are all afraid of being confronted with it”, it is with these words that this Sunday evening began the Restricted zone on the theme of Alzheimer’s diseasepresented by Ophelie Meunier. Originality of the report, the teams of the program were particularly interested in the early forms of the disease, little documented. France, however, has 33,000 sick reached before the age of 60.

Thus, the cameras followed, among other things, Sylvie, diagnosed at the age of 49. While she was still nurse’s aide, she noticed a tendency to get lost in the corridors of the hospital or to wash the same patients several times. At the time of filming, this married woman and mother of an only daughter explained that she had to put alerts on her phone so as not to forget to take his medication but also to eat and drink.

Jérôme was a history and geography teacher who lived a “good life” made up of bike rides, walks, friends. But at 54, the ax falls. As shown in the report, this father of two children today has a lot of trouble finding his words, remembering an action he has started and is unable to give his age. In his misfortune, he is lucky enough to have been a resident for about ten days in Alzheimer Village in Dax. This experimental place recreates normal living conditions for patients: movement is free in what really looks like a small village with a central square, café, mini-market and even… a hairdresser!

And it is precisely within this salon that viewers were able to discover Nathalie, an extraordinary hairdresser. After having been a volunteer in nursing homes, she now pampers the residents of the Village Alzheimer’s, like Annick, a 54-year-old ex-nurse who has not said a single word since her arrival ten days ago. In an attempt to unblock the situation, the hairdresser had a very touching idea: that of coloring her hair with the same shade as that which she wore before the illness. “This is going to be a great moment!” she rejoiced in advance. With great tenderness and human warmth, she first invited the patient to take a few steps dance, before starting its transformation. Once the hairstyle was finished, the hairdresser stood in front of her and complimented her on the color of her eyes, the same green as hers. “Green” then repeated Annick, visibly confident for the first time in days. A single word that augurs better days for the resident finally ready to open up to others thanks to Nathalie’s kindness…

While the journalist asked the hairdresser if it made her happy to have succeeded in making the resident speak, the latter retorted with emotion “the word is weak”. A very moving moment that sparked a shower of compliments on twitter.

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