Ukraine Russia Online: Russia intensifies shelling of Ukrainian cities –

Another round of Ukrainian-Russian talks is scheduled for Monday.

Follow the latest news on the war in Ukraine minute by minute:

05:26 The British Ministry of Defense considers that Russian forces have made minimal territorial gains in Ukraine over the past two days, while their units encountered stiff resistance and faced weak logistical support. However, Ukrainian commanders have warned that the Russian army is regrouping its troops and is planning a total attack on the capital Kiev, according to the BBC.

The British Defense Department said in an update to the intelligence situation report that it was “very unlikely that Mask “has successfully achieved its planned objectives to date”. The ministry added that over the past 24 hours, “Russian air and artillery attacks have continued to hit military and civilian sites in Ukrainian cities.”

04:14 The USA does not assume that there is a threat of an immediate Russian amphibious attack on Odessa or its environs, Reuters reports, referring to an unnamed senior US official. Ukraine fears a possible attack by Russian forces on this port city.

The US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, estimated that Russia had fired about 600 missiles since the beginning of the invasion and deployed about 95 percent of the pre-prepared combat forces to Ukraine.

03:26 Britain will provide another $ 100 million to help Ukraine writes the AFP agency.

02:38 Ukrainian president criticizes Western leaders for failing to respond to words from the Russian Defense Ministry that it would hit the military-industrial complex and called on them to impose tougher sanctions on Moscow.

“Russia tomorrow officially announced the shelling of our territory. Our companies complex defense,” he said Zelensky in a speech according to television CNN. “Thousands of people work there. Hundreds of thousands live nearby … This is murder. Intentional murder,” he says.

“I have not heard a single world leader react to this,” Zelenskyj said. “This arrogance of the aggressor is a clear signal to the West that the sanctions imposed on Russia are not enough,” he said.

01:30 In the evening, Russian troops intensified rocket and artillery attacks to some Ukrainian cities, said Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to Ukrainian President Zelenský. “The last wave of rocket attacks came after dark,” he said on Ukrainian television.

The suburbs of the capital Kiev, the cities of Chernihiv, Mykolaiv and Kharkov were exposed to heavy shelling.

Kharkov authorities said the television tower in the city had been damaged and heavy artillery had hit residential areas. According to Arestovych, the city reflects a Russian attack. According to the local authorities, all areas in Chernihiv are exposed to a missile attack.

01:02 There will be a referendum in Denmark According to the DPA, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced the abolition of the derogation from the application of the European Union’s common security and defense policy (CSDP). The referendum will take place on June 1.

Denmark, which is a member country ONTO and the European Union, has obtained derogations from the application of common EU rules in the context of the repeated referendum on the Maastricht Treaty in 1993.

0:00 What is the most optimistic and pessimistic scenario for Ukraine? How long will the country recover from the effects of the war? We will answer your further questions about the war in Ukraine.

War in Ukraine

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