Environment: Laporta (Ispra), ‘without the contribution of all the reform will never be effective’

” The reform of articles 9 and 41 of the Constitution puts us in front of our responsibilities as decision-makers and as citizens, because without everyone’s contribution, even the best reform will never be effective enough ”. The president of Ispra Stefano Laporta said this during the episode of the Monitor in-depth program on Italia 7, conducted by Gaetano D’Arienzo, which went live from 21.30 to 23.00 on Tuesday 22 February, organized by the director Fabrizio Manfredini in agreement with the prefect Francesco Tagliente. On the subject of the “epochal constitutional reform which for the first time intervened on the fundamental principles of the Republic”, the ANCRI also took the field, which among the statutory purposes also includes the promotion of constitutional values ​​and principles. The episode was attended by Paolo Ghezzi, Ancri delegate for Civil Protection and the Environment and the prefect Francesco Tagliente as delegate for the institutional relations of the association, Daniel Calleja, Maria Chiara Carrozza, Fabrizio Curcio, Paolo Maddalena, Gianfranco Amendola, Marco Filippeschi, Luca Lopomo and Paolo Crisafi. Responding to the conductor, Prefect Laporta, given that all the components of the National System for the Protection of the Environment (Snpa) have welcomed the constitutional change with great satisfaction, recalled that environmental protection, which has entered the fundamental Charter of the Italian Republic, it places perspectives that look not only at our present but at the interest of future generations. The new paragraph of Article 9 establishes that the Republic ” protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interest of future generations. State law regulates the methods and forms of animal protection “. A forecast that must be read together with the protection of the landscape and the historical-artistic heritage, the promotion of the development of culture, scientific and technical research. Attention to the environment and health that the legislator also wanted to include among the cornerstones of economic action: in the second and third paragraphs of article 41 it is explicitly expressed that the economic initiative must not cause damage to health and environment, and that the law directs and coordinates it for social and environmental purposes. ” I would like to emphasize – said Prefect Laporta – how the inclusion in the Constitution of the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems represents the crowning achievement of a which arises from an increased sensitivity and from the request of citizens and gives strength to these issues, qualifying them as fundamental goods for each individual. The contribution that public research bodies, as well as that of environmental associations, have provided to increase this new sensitivity, has certainly played an important role and has been welcomed by Parliament. I add that this recognition establishes the inviolability of the principle of environmental protection and makes it a pivotal right like others enshrined in our Constitution. ” The president of Ispra, referring to the reference to future generations, added that in addition to finding a link with the definition of sustainable development contained in the 1987 Brundtland report, grasps the choice of responding to the push that comes strong from the younger generations. ” I am thinking – he continued – of the mobilizations of the Fridays for future and the international commitment of young people in the fight against climate change. In general to a strong demand to take environmental problems seriously and to consider them as a priority. A warning that also reaches us from Pope Francis in his many interventions on the care of creation and above all with the encyclical Laudato Sì. For the first time in history, a Pontiff has dedicated the highest document of the magisterium to environmental challenges ”. As for the modification of article 41, Prefect Laporta underlined how it fits perfectly into the work started in recent years by the Snpa to accompany the country’s ecological transition process. ” Affirming that economic action must not cause damage to health and the environment does not represent an obstacle to the free initiative of businesses – he added – On the contrary, it means supporting a truly sustainable development that directs economic action towards a real balance between production, work and environmental protection. It is a possible process and is testified by the companies that in following environmental criteria acquire competitiveness and growth. ” Asked by the conductor on possible developments for Snpa deriving from the constitutional reform, the president of Ispra said: “For those like us engaged on a daily basis in checks, in monitoring the territory, in environmental research activities, at national and local level, what happened last February 8 cannot but be extremely important news. Moreover, entering as a fundamental principle of the Republic, the environment must be protected in a uniform way throughout the territory, guaranteeing the same levels from north to south. A commitment that sees us deeply involved in every region and ready to be a reference for our country “.