Ukraine, Pouyanné (CEO TotalEnergies) “irreplaceable Russian gas in the immediate future”

“If Russian gas no longer arrives in Europe we will have a real regard to the price of gas in Europe”. This was stated, speaking at the forum of the Fédération nationale des travaux publics (Fntp), by the CEO of TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanné, underlining that Russian gas is not immediately replaceable. “It would be worrying” to have to do without Russian gas because, explains Pouyanné, “Russian gas now accounts for 40% of the gas market in Europe”. To supply Europe with gas, underlines the CEO of the French energy giant, “we need gas pipelines or regasifiers to get the LNG to arrive. The ones we have at the moment are full. We don’t have enough regasifiers in Europe to replace that 40%. of Russian gas and it takes 2-3 years to build a regasifier. France has it, Germany does not. If Russian gas were to fail, I would not know how to do it. I would be able to do it in 2-3 years if we build regasifiers. we have. We have an infrastructure problem “. In any case, notes Pouyanné,” I don’t think the Russians want to turn off the taps. Now if the Europeans decide to deprive themselves of Russian gas, a solution will have to be found for the winter of 2022 “. The only possibility, adds the CEO of TotalEnergies, “would be Polish coal” for example “but it is not good for the environment”.