Sponsorship: Jean-Luc Mélenchon exceeds 500 signatures – The HuffPost

Sarah Meyssonnier via Reuters

Jean-Luc Melenchon photographed during a meeting with the Abbé Pierre Foundation (illustration)

POLITICS – Despite the offensive in Ukraine by Russia, the sponsorships of elected officials continue to arrive rue de Montpensier. This Thursday, February 24, the Constitutional Council updated their tally sponsorships validated for the presidential electionin a context where this question agitates the political class. With 540 signatures, Jean-Luc Melenchon joined the list of candidates authorized to compete (subject to validation of their application).

The leader of rebellious France thus joins Yannick Jadot, Fabien Roussel, Jean Lassalle, Nathalie Arthaud, Anne Hidalgo, Valérie Pécresse and Emmanuel Macron in the club of those who will – theoretically – be able to compete in the supreme election. That is now a total of eight candidates.

Find below the details of the sponsorships obtained by candidate:

On the far right, the situation is still not settled for Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, one week before the end of shipments. The RN candidate counts 414 sponsorships, against 415 for the founder of Reconquest!, who therefore exceeds her by a small signature. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is also below the threshold with 457 sponsorships on the counter, far ahead of the Europhobic candidate François Asselineau (247).

On the far left, Philippe Poutou is still far from the mark with 243 sponsorships ahead of Anasse Kazib, who only progresses by two sponsorships, to reach 230 validated. A funny situation when you remember that the latter is a candidate for Permanent Revolution, a dissident formation… From the NPA.

Note that the situation is becoming more and more complicated for Christiane Taubira. The one designated by the popular Primary has only 128 signatures. A qualification next week would therefore be a miracle for the former Keeper of the Seals. Same thing for the animalist Hélène Thouy, who does not exceed the bar of 100 sponsorships (97). The deadline for harvesting them has been set for March 4. The continuation of this sponsorship race for the next delivery, scheduled for Tuesday, March 1.

See also on The HuffPost: Out of Sponsorships, These Candidates Are Raising the Democratic Peril