War in Ukraine: the Russians have conquered a military airport near Kiev, announces the Ukrainian president – Le Monde

Gatherings organized in Europe

In Berlin, Paris or even Warsaw and The Hague, demonstrators protested Thursday against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “Stop this madness, save life, no more lies” : in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin, a demonstrator brandishes this sign. Many others wear Ukrainian colors. Among the protesters, Russians clearly castigate the military operation launched by Moscow.

‘Everyone should come here today and support Ukraine and say the war must stop’told Agence France-Presse Olga Kupricina, 32, originally from Kaliningrad and living in Germany since October. “Ukrainians and Russians are brothers and sisters. All my friends and relatives are in shock and don’t want war. “We want to show that we are against war. We are Russians and come from Russia. Ukraine has always been a very friendly country with us and a close country”abounds Ekaterina Studnitzky, 40, sixteen of whom spent in Germany.

Ukrainians participated in another rally, at the foot of the Brandenburg Gate. “Putin has already stolen my house because I am from Donetsk and my family and I had to leave because of the war”gets carried away by Sofia Avdeeva, a 22-year-old student. “I don’t want the whole of Ukraine to suffer the same fate. I already said goodbye to my house but I don’t want the whole country to go through the hell we went through”she continues, before launching that the Russian president “should die”. “He is a war criminal, he did not declare war and he attacked peaceful cities”, she complains. Many demonstrations are planned in most major German cities.

In Paris, several hundred people were also gathered in front of the Russian embassy, ​​including several candidates for the presidential election in April such as the ecologist Yannick Jadot or the former minister Christiane Taubira. A large gathering is planned for the end of the day on the Place de la République, in the heart of Paris.

In Warsaw, a country bordering Ukraine, a Russian flag was burned by a demonstrator in front of the Russian embassy.

A protester burns a Russian flag during a demonstration against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, outside the Russian Embassy in Warsaw, Poland, February 24, 2022.
A woman holds a sign that reads 'Hands off Ukraine' during a protest in Warsaw, Poland, February 24, 2022.

Earlier, rallies had been held in Beirut and Tokyo. In Dublin, The Hague and Amsterdam, hundreds of people also took part in rallies on Thursday in front of Russian representations.