Vaccini Moderna and Pfizer, today’s news: what Ema says

Modern vaccine and Pfizer vaccine, today two important news from Ema, the European drug agency Ema, concerning the administration of the anti Covid vaccine to children and young people. Read also The green light to the Moderna vaccine in children aged 6 to 11 has arrived. The EU regulatory body’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) recommended granting an extension of the indication for Spikevax * to include this age group as well. Spikevax is already authorized for administration in over 12s.The dose of Spikevax intended for children – specifies the Ema – is halved compared to that used in people aged 12 years or older, equal to 50 micrograms compared to 100 µg . As in other age groups, Moderna’s vaccine is given as two intramuscular injections into the upper arm, 4 weeks apart. The European Drug Agency also gives green light to Pfizer’s anti-Covid vaccine booster also for adolescents from 12 years of age. This is what the regulatory body communicates in a note, explaining that the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) today recommended “that a booster dose of the Comirnaty vaccine * can be administered, if appropriate, to adolescents starting from 12 years of age “. The vaccine is already authorized in the EU as a 2-dose primary course in adolescents (as well as in adults and children from 5 years of age) and the booster is currently authorized from 18 years of age.