The exhibition ‘Affatato River’ by Gioacchino Pontrelli inaugurated at Palazzo Brancaccio

The exhibition “Fiume Affatato” by Gioacchino Pontrelli, curated by Claudio Libero Pisano, was inaugurated at Spazio Field, in the prestigious halls of Palazzo Brancaccio in Rome. The works are dedicated to the city of Rome and its art, united in the imagination by the Tiber river. “Having so much space available for an exhibition in a city like Rome is a fantastic thing. The architectural peculiarity of Spazio Field, in fact, lends itself perfectly to giving light to the poetics of the artists ”, commented the curator Claudio Libero Pisano. Spazio Field is the cultural and artistic center of Palazzo Brancaccio, in Via Merulana 248, which lends itself to hosting exhibitions, shows, presentations and exhibitions, guaranteeing charm and elegance to an event that needs these characteristics to unleash its full potential and leave an indelible mark on its guests. The name refers to the historical tradition of the building that houses it: originally, in fact, the structure was known as Palazzo Field, in honor of Mary Elisabeth Field, a wealthy lady of the high society of New York who financed its construction after having married Prince Salvatore Brancaccio in 1870. The services offered within the structure are not limited to art and cultural exhibitions: Spazio field also houses a refined restaurant, Roland. Again, the name is a tribute to the history of the Brancaccio family. Roland, in fact, was the grandson of Salvatore Brancaccio and Mary Elisabeth; also a prince of the noble family. The new Spazio Field restaurant is inspired by him: a refined and renowned place, where visitors will be able to combine the intellectual experience of artistic and cultural events with the culinary one of his restaurant, while remaining within the hub of Via Merulana 248.