War in Ukraine: presidential candidates unreservedly condemn the Russian offensive

Presidential candidates Eric Zemmour (Reconquest!), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France insoumise), Fabien Roussel (French Communist Party), Anne Hidalgo (Socialist Party), Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains) and Christiane Taubira condemned on Thursday February 24, the Russian operation in Ukraine, the candidates of left calling to use all the diplomatic ways to restore peace.

The latest live information: Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine, explosions in Kiev and several major cities

The team of far-right candidate Eric Zemmour told Agence France-Presse that he “unreservedly condemns the Russian military intervention which began last night in Ukraine”. “No reason can justify the launching of a military operation against Ukraine by Russia which upsets the balance of peace in Europe. She must unequivocally be condemned.commented Marine Le Pen in a press release.

On the right, Valérie Pécresse, has “condemned in the strongest terms” the “war started by Russia in Ukraine”. The candidate of the Les Républicains party estimated in a tweet that “the response from France and Europe must be vigorous, coordinated and severe”.

On the left, the candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon called in a press release to use the way “diplomatic” to get “an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of all foreign troops from Ukraine”through“an immediate meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe” (OSCE) and a deliberation “emergency” of the United Nations Organization. “France should take the initiative of a diplomatic meeting, under the aegis of the UN”believes the candidate of the National Rally.

“Russia is attacking Ukraine. An initiative of pure violence manifesting a desire for power without measure. An unbearable escalation is provoked” and you don’t have to “Above all, don’t agree to go into climbing. There would be no return”estimated Mr. Mélenchon, arrived Thursday morning on the island of Reunion.

“Brutal Attack”

The socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, has “condemned[é] with the utmost energy the brutal attack ordered by Vladimir Putin” and called to “react firmly to this unjustified and criminal act”. “In these dark times for peace and for Europe, I express my solidarity and support with Ukraine and its people”, she added on Twitter. ” It’s the war “ and “It is at this height that France, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the UN must react”abounded the former keeper of the seals Christiane Taubira on the same social network.

The communist candidate, Fabien Roussel, denounced on France 2 a ” declaration of war “ and “an extremely serious decision” of Vladimir Putin and called for “do everything possible to disarm the armies (…), so that it doesn’t go any further”. He called Vladimir Putin a “nationalist president, tough”but also lambasted Kyiv for “not having wanted to respect the Minsk agreements”signed in 2015. In addition, the president of the Socialist Party group in the National Assembly, Valérie Rabault, estimated on Twitter that“there should be no more hesitation. Europe has the means to block the Russian banking system and to support Ukraine logistically and militarily”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis, Hidalgo and Jadot target the “danger” Mélenchon

A short speech by all the presidents of parliamentary groups was organized in the National Assembly just before a debate planned under article 50-1 of the Constitution on the health crisis, desired by the government. “President Putin has taken an extremely serious decision, it is to ensure that the war is again on the territory of Europe, at the gates of the European Union”lamented Pascal Brindeau, of the Union of Democrats and Independents group, who “will support the initiatives of the President of the Republic”.

“This situation is extremely serious and our thoughts are obviously with the Ukrainian people, but it is not just serious for Ukraine. It is actually serious for the whole world”, also noted Olivier Becht, deputy of Haut-Rhin (Act). Several MEPs have called for the organization of a similar debate on the Ukrainian crisis.

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, announced, on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, the start of a “military operation” in Ukraine where powerful explosions and airborne warning sirens sounded in several cities, Kiev claiming that a “large-scale invasion” was in progress. Emmanuel Macron called on Moscow to “immediately end its military operations”and summoned a defense council at 9 a.m. “France stands in solidarity with Ukraine. It stands with the Ukrainians and works with its partners and allies to end the war.”, added the head of state on Twitter.

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