“He took his own life for punishment”, the accusation of the family of the boy who died in the USA

For his family Claudio Mandia would have taken his own life. The boy, originally from Battipaglia, was found dead on the eve of his eighteenth birthday in the United States where he was studying. The cause of the gesture, the family members write in a note released by the US law firm that assists them, is to be identified in the “primitive measures” to which he would have been subjected “by the college” and in particular “the isolation for more than three days”. In the note released by the legal office, the Mandia family expresses their gratitude “for the affection and support of all the friends and fellow students” of their “beloved son Claudio. The tragic news of his death – continues the note – it is even more painful for the circumstances in which Claudio spent his last days on this earth. Claudio was a wonderful person and student and could not wait for his family to arrive in New York from Italy to celebrate his eighteenth birthday”. The family “has plans to act – we still read – but would prefer not to comment further at this time”. Finally, Claudio Mandia’s family asks for “respect for their privacy”, while they are busy organizing the return of the body to Italy for the funeral.