Sponsorships: Yannick Jadot qualified, Jean-Luc Mélenchon close to the threshold – The HuffPost

REUTERS/Stephane Mahe

Yannick Jadot photographed on October 22 around Nantes (Illustration)

POLITICS – They are (slightly) more numerous on the starting line. This Tuesday, February 22, the Constitutional Council updated their tally sponsorships validated for the presidential electionin a context where this question agitates the political class. With 565 signatures, alone Yannick Jadot joins the list of suitors authorized to compete.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is very close to qualifying, with 442 validated sponsorships. The rebellious is closely followed by Nicolas Dupont-Aignan who has 422. The green candidate thus joins Fabien Roussel, Jean Lassalle, Nathalie Arthaud, Anne Hidalgo, Valérie Pécresse and Emmanuel Macron in the club of those who will be authorized to compete in the supreme election.

Find below the details of the sponsorships obtained by candidate:

On the far right, the road is still long for Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour. The Rassemblement national candidate has 393 signatures, just ahead of the founder of Reconquête!, who has 350 at this stage. For his part, the Europhobic candidate François Asselineau counts 241.

On the far left, Philippe Poutou is still far from the mark with 224 sponsorships, ahead of Anasse Kazib only progressing by six sponsorships, to reach 128 validated. A funny situation when we remember that the latter is a candidate for Permanent Revolution, a dissident formation… of the NPA. It should also be noted that Christiane Taubira passed the 100 sponsorship mark for the first time (104). It’s not much, but still more than the animalist candidate Hélène Thouy who has 89. The deadline for collecting them has been set for March 4. The continuation of this race for sponsorships in the next delivery, scheduled for Thursday, February 24.

See also on The HuffPost: Out of Sponsorships, These Candidates Are Raising the Democratic Peril