Putin on Ukraine: What did he say in the speech? – SME.sk

Feb 22, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. I Paid content

The West has condemned the controversial speech of the Russian president.

MOSCOW, BRATISLAVA. Although the decision of the Russian president Vladimir Putin The recognition of the separatist republics in eastern Ukraine was surprising to many experts, and there was talk of a last-minute decision, with the Russian president delivering a carefully prepared speech on Monday evening.

In it, he criticized the West, the North Atlantic Alliance and questioned Ukrainian statehood and history. Several analysts have called Putin’s speech aggressive, with a source from the French presidential office for AFP saying he was full of “hard and paranoid ideas.”

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“Putin’s speech is so full of historical nonsense that I don’t even have the energy to fix it. For example, he completely missed Ukraine’s quest for independence during the Russian Revolution, “historian and journalist Anne Applebaum responded.

What did Vladimir Putin say about Ukraine?

About statehood

Much of the speech was devoted to Ukrainian history and the questioning of Ukrainian statehood.

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