Who is trivializing the aggression in Ukraine, undermines Slovak statehood – reactions of politicians to the events in Donbas – Denník N

Slovak government politicians have vehemently rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to recognize the independence of the two separatist republics in eastern Ukraine.

Part of the opposition also talks about violations of international law. However, the rhetoric of Smer and Hlas politicians is more cautious and MP Ľuboš Blaha from Smer even advocates taking over the territory of another state.

Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽANO) clearly condemned Putin’s actions that night. “Recognition of separatist republics is just support for violence and hatred. Ordinary people will suffer. I am deeply outraged by President Putin’s move. ” wrote on Facebook on Monday at half past nine in the evening, shortly after the Russian president’s speech on television.

“I appreciate the prudent position of Ukraine, which is trying not to give Russian imperialism a pretext for invasion. This protects the lives of not only Ukrainians but also Russians, “added the Slovak Prime Minister.

President Zuzana Čaputová also reacted on Monday evening. She chose a social network Twitter and opinion in English. “Russia’s recognition of the so-called popular republics is hampering years of efforts to resolve the conflict that Moscow has created. It is a choice of confrontation before diplomacy and a clear violation of international law and Ukraine’s sovereignty. “

Foreign Minister Ivan Korchok reacts to the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Photo – TASR

Korčok: Dangerous historical claims

The president issued another, more comprehensive statement on Tuesday. She wrote in it that Russia’s armed forces are operating in the legitimate territory of Ukraine, which it considers an act of military aggression and occupation. “There is no accidental reaction or incident,” the head of state said.

“This is a planned, deliberate, unprovoked and unjustifiable violation of international law and territorial integrity by Russia against our neighbor, which Slovakia strongly condemns. (…) In a long speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin practically denied Ukraine’s right to its own state. “

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Korčok (SaS nominee) except

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