The Palindrome of the Day Is in the Date 22.02.2022 – The HuffPost


22.02.2022 is a palindrome and an ambigram

DATE – This is not a historical date, but it is worth talking about. It is Tuesday, February 22, 2022, and if at first sight today’s date is not exceptional, it is nevertheless necessary to linger over it. Indeed, in numbers, this Tuesday is written: 22/02/2022. And this date not only forms a palindromebut also an ambigram.

From complicated words to explain things that are ultimately simple. Those figures of speech have existed for centuries in our language, without our necessarily paying attention to them. So what is a palindrome, and what is an ambigram?

To the left to the right

A palindrome is a word that can be read both from left to right and from right to left. But other words in the French language are read backwards, such as “bob”, “kayak”, “coloc”, “tôt” or even “ressasser”, which is the longest word in palindrome in the French language. Some first names can also be read in both directions: Anna, Nattan or Eve for example.

The palindrome can also be applied to sequences of words: “start the game, may I win it” can be read in both directions. Same for “the bride will go wrong”, for which the change of position of the accent is tolerated.

We owe the first palindrome in history to the Greeks, who had inscribed on the roof of the Saint Sophia Church in Istanbul this sentence, in ancient Greek: “Wash my peaches and not only my face” (Nipson anomemata me monan opsin, or even ”Νίψον ἀνομήματα, μὴ μόναν ὄψιν for connoisseurs”).

But it’s not just the letters that are affected, the sequences of numbers can also be affected, like this famous 22 02 2022.

Up down

In addition to being read one way or the other, the date of this Tuesday can also be read upside down: it is an ambigram. As explained Releasein his video posted on Twitter, provided you use the correct typology to write it, 22 02 2022, is symmetrical. The person sitting across from you will read the same date.

The ambigram technique is regularly used by brands to define their logo. In addition to being easy to read, it allows them to stand out. .

See also on The HuffPost: Test your spelling with Mérimée’s dictation, “the most difficult in the world”