Presidential: the LR mayor of Cannes, David Lisnard, gives his sponsorship to Jean-Luc Mélenchon – franceinfo

“The candidate that I support, clearly and clearly, Valérie Pécresse, has nearly 2,000 sponsorships”, justifies the president of the AMF. He says to act by “republican spirit” so that “all the representative candidates can compete”.

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The president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) and LR mayor of Cannes David Lisnard announces, in a video posted on his Twitter account on Sunday February 20, that he is giving his sponsorship to Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) in sight of the presidential, “in republican spirit”. “Sponsorships are not worth support”, makes a point of specifying the elected representative of the right who considers that “if Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Marine Le Pen or Eric Zemmour could not present themselves, that would be a serious attack on democracy”.

“The candidate that I support, in a clear and clear way, Valérie Pécresse, has nearly 2,000 sponsorships”, explains David Lisnard. Faced with the observation that “three of the main presidential candidates have not received their sponsorships”the Chairman of the AMF called “all elected officials who can sponsor” at “to ensure that all the representative candidates can compete. It is a question of responsibility, civic unity and republican spirit”he justifies without giving the list of candidates he considers legitimate to participate in the first round.

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“This is why I decided to sponsor the candidate from whom I am furthest removed, since I am ranked on the right, which is Jean-Luc Mélenchon”continues the chosen one.

“I ardently fight his convictions, his ideas and his values ​​but he must be able to compete”.

David Lisnard

at franceinfo

David Lisnard calls for changing the sponsorship rule: “I have made proposals in this area, either double sponsorship, or a return to anonymity, or sponsorship from citizens in addition to sponsorship from elected officials”.