Zemmour and Taubira worried about their sponsorships before the final stretch – The HuffPost


Christiane Taubira Eric Zemmour presidential sponsorships

POLITICS – Will they be on the starting line? Several contenders for the Elysée say all their difficulty in collecting the 500 sponsorships of elected officials necessary for a candidacy for the presidential election. Among the best known to the general public: Eric Zemmour and Christiane Taubira.

The first, given around 14-15% of voting intentions at present, as you can see it in our compiler, can currently count on 291 signatures from mayors, parliamentarians and other territorial advisers. The second, which peaks around 3-4% in the various institutes, does not exceed 86 sesames. Both confirmed “a subject”, this Sunday February 20, leaving some doubt as to their ability to cross the famous 500 mark before March 4, the deadline.

Haro on a “completely locked system”

Éric Zemmour thus assured that it was “very possible” that he did not obtain them. “I have no certainty, it’s very hard, we spend hours on the phone, my friend Philippe de Villiers talks for hours with the mayors, Guillaume Peltier talks for hours with the mayors, I myself call the mayors to try to convince them”, insisted the former polemicist on Europe 1 and CNews, arguing that if he were to be prevented, this would, according to him, make the “election illegitimate”.

Read also: Find out who has already obtained (or not) their 500 signatures

“The mayors tell me: ‘yes, you are great, we agree with you’, but they are afraid” since their name is made public, insisted the Reconquest candidate! who canceled a trip to Reunion this week to devote himself to this task.

“There is real uncertainty”, abounded on franceinfo the spokesperson for the RN, Laurent Jacobelli. “In all the polls, Marine Le Pen is Emmanuel Macron’s main opponent”, he observed, noting that “other less representative candidates are already qualified”, according to him a consequence of a ” system completely locked”, which has only allowed its champion to collect 366 signatures so far.

The question of sponsorships, an antiphon of each presidential election although no candidate well placed in the polls has ever failed to collect them, also concerns Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who for the moment has only 370 signatures, or even Christiane Taubira.

Poutou, Dupont-Aignan also in doubt

The subject is pressing for the former Minister of Justice under François Hollande. He still has more than 400 sponsorships to find in a fortnight while his main pool, the PRG, left on February 14th.

A situation that the main interested party does not understand. Guest of BFMTV this Sunday, she explained to seek the explanation “between having so many promises and so few sponsorships materialized.” “We had more than 600 promises”, she thus advanced, before speaking of a “democratic interrogation”. “That would mean that a democratic process which has mobilized nearly half a million people would be prevented by an administrative device”, she estimated, continuing, a bit fatalistic: “I am sure that this question offends elected officials in this country, there you go, I’m waiting to see.”

Philippe Poutou, the candidate of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) is experiencing the same difficulties. With 199 signatures on the counter, he is not yet certain of being able to participate in his third presidential election in a row. Just like Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. The leader of Debout la France says he is “worried” with his 379 supporters. “I’m missing 20”, he said, Saturday, February 19, during his appearance on the 1 p.m. newspaper of TF1.

The Constitutional Council will announce on March 7 the list of candidates who have passed this passing exam.

See also on The HuffPost: Faced with Macron’s runoff, Roussel offers his “roussellement”