Fatal hunting accident: victim, teenager who shot … what we know about the Cantal tragedy

the essential
A 25-year-old hiker who was walking with her companion was killed by a stray bullet in Cantal on Saturday afternoon. The author of the shooting is a young hunter of barely 17 years old. The Aurillac research brigade is in charge of the investigation.

The romantic stroll turned tragic on Saturday afternoon in Cassaniouze in Cantal. A 25-year-old woman was killed by a stray bullet fired by a 17-year-old girl. Despite their best efforts, paramedics were unable to save the victim’s life. This hunting accident revives the controversy over the cohabitation between hunters and walkers.

Read also :
Hunting accident: a 25-year-old hiker from Aveyron shot dead during a hunt in Cantal

What happened ?

A 25-year-old woman who was walking with her companion of the same age as her was killed by a stray bullet on Saturday afternoon in Cassaniouze in Cantal. A 17-year-old girl who was hunting opened fire and fatally shot the hiker. She took part in a wild boar hunt organized by the approved municipal hunting association of the village. The accident occurred shortly before 3 p.m. at a place called La Becarie.

How did the victim die?

The hiker was targeted by a shot on the left side of her body. The bullet that hit her was calibrated for a boar. The victim died on the spot. A doctor who lived not far from the scene of the tragedy intervened, helped by reinforcements from the firefighters and emergency workers who arrived by helicopter. The body will soon be autopsied, confirmed to The mountain the public prosecutor of Aurillac Paolo Giambiasi.

Where did the accident take place?

The accident occurred on a known and marked hiking trail. The Becarie-la Vincelle hike includes many viewpoints on the borders of the Dourdou and Lot valleys.

Who was the victim?

The victim is a 25-year-old woman who had just moved to Aveyron in Almont-les-Junies with her partner. She is from Flagnac, still in Aveyron where she spent her childhood. She was passionate about nature and hiking, according to our colleagues from Press Center. She was a regular hiker. The place of the drama is distant about twenty kilometers from his place of residence.

Who is the shooter?

A 17-year-old girl is behind the shooting. She was participating in a wild boar hunt which had started in Aveyron and continued in Cantal, according to the public prosecutor. Negative to alcohol and narcotics, she could not yet be heard by the gendarmes to give her version and was medically taken care of in a state of shock at Aurillac hospital.

Did the young girl have the right to hunt?

The president of the departmental hunting federation ensures in The mountain that she had received the usual training. In France, hunting is authorized from the age of 15 in the presence and under the responsibility of a guide, as specified by law. Basic practical training provided by the hunting federation is compulsory. The minor and his companion can only have one weapon for two. This weapon can be a rifle, a rifle or a bow.

Was the beat in order?

The beat was led by the approved municipal hunting association of the village. She had been declared. It took place both in Cantal and in Aveyron. However, there would have been no road signs on the Aveyron side, according to our colleagues from France 3.

Who is conducting the investigation?

An investigation was opened on the count of manslaughter. The Aurillac public prosecutor’s office entrusted her to the Aurillac research brigade.

Have there been similar accidents in the past?

The Cantal accident is not the first to occur between hikers and hunters.

  • October 30, 2021a 67-year-old motorist who was driving on the dual carriageway between Rennes and Nantes was killed by hunting fire.
  • Two days earlier, a walker was injured by hunting fire in Haute-Savoie.
  • December 2, 2020Morgan Keane is killed in front of his home in Calvignac in the Lot by a hunter who confused him with a wild boar
  • In 2018, a mountain biker was shot by a hunter in Mirepoix in Ariège.
  • That same year, a mountain biker was killed by a hunter in Haute-Savoie.

In the latter case, the author of the shooting was sentenced to four years in prison, including three years suspended. He will no longer be able to hunt or hold a weapon.

Is the cohabitation between hunters and hikers threatened?

This accident will inevitably revive the debate on the cohabitation between walkers and hunters. This controversy comes up regularly in the news. This was the case last fall when the EELV presidential candidate Yannick Jadot said he wanted to “better regulate hunting” so that the French “benefit from nature”. He wants to ban hunting on weekends and during school holidays. In 2018, the LREM deputy from Aude Péréa had proposed, conversely, ban… mountain biking during hunting season.

Nearly a million people hunt in France.

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