Rdc: Inps, in 3 years it will grant 2 million families but 70% still take it

In the first three years of life, the income and the citizenship pension were paid to almost 2 million households, for a total of 4.65 million people, and a total cost of around 20 billion euros. The photograph was taken by INPS in a report dedicated to one of the interventions that was and remains at the center of a fiery political debate. Newborns and centenarians, large and single families, students and workers, retired, inactive and unemployed people: a substantial, articulated, heterogeneous pool, united by the lack or scarcity of a family income. But 33 months after the initiation of the provision, 70% of those who applied in April 2019 are still beneficiaries of the check. A fact that confirms how the measure has essentially fulfilled a welfare function by piercing, almost entirely, that original mission of acting as an intermediary to the entry into the world of work. Persistence, as INPS further explains, seems to be mainly linked to the nationality of the applicant, the composition of the nucleus, the geographical area of ​​residence and economic indicators. And if for 48.1% of the audience in 2019 the search for a possible job position was not of interest as “minors, elderly, disabled, pensioners” also for that 58.2% of the audience that could have been ‘theoretically employable’ there were many impeding factors: “the total length of contributions matured for the purposes of pension entitlement was on average about 6 years. Therefore, subjects who at the time of the first DRC application had been out of the market for at least fifteen months of active work and without even benefits in support of income, maternity leave, sickness, etc. The high average age and low seniority contributions show a lack of attachment to the labor market “, explains INPS. In a word, he continues, it was and still is “a group of people who have been inactive or unemployed for some time and therefore broadly classifiable as vulnerable.” stands at € 577 much higher than that envisaged for the citizenship pension which on average did not exceed € 281. 44.7% of the households are single members and 67.3% without minors while the households with disabled amount to 17%. Over 40% of the families benefiting from Rdc / Pdc also receive the economic integration for the rent. “That the measure has provided for an integration for the rent is an important fact, because the unavailability of the residential house exposes you to a greater risk of poverty “, notes the INPS. In fact, from the data of the ISEE Observatory of the INPS on the Italian population presenting the DSU, a strong correlation emerges between the low ISSE income class and higher probability of paying a rent: the lower the income, the more likely it is that the nucleus will pay a rent. .

1 thought on “Rdc: Inps, in 3 years it will grant 2 million families but 70% still take it”

  1. https://www.myget.org/feed/chang-sheng-hui-meng-1/package/nuget/chang-sheng-hui-meng-hack

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