Winpoll survey, Orlando the best known in Palermo

Leoluca Orlando, the mayor of Palermo, is known by 99 percent of the people of Palermo. This is what emerges from a Winpoll survey carried out between 11 and 14 February. Senator Davide Faraone, of Italia Viva, follows closely with 80 percent. And then, with 78 percent, the city councilor Fabrizio Ferrandelli, President of the national assembly of + Europe. Ferrandelli had run in both 2012 and 2017 for mayor of Palermo, and both times he was defeated by the current mayor Orlando. Then there is the regional councilor for education Roberto Lagalla, who could run for mayor. It is known by 71 percent of respondents. In the same poll, the people of Palermo were asked how much confidence they have in the four names: Orlando, Ferrandelli, Lagalla and Faraone. Here is the result: 19 percent trust the outgoing mayor Leoluca Orlando, 40 percent of Fabrizio Ferrandelli, 39 percent of Roberto Lagalla and 21 percent of Davide Faraone.