Vatican: Becciu, ‘afflicted by the Sassari prosecutor’s blitz, how many humiliations to the bishop’

Cardinal Angelo Becciu, accused in the trial in the Vatican for the financial scandal linked to the sale of the London building in Sloane Avenue, on the sidelines of the hearing before the Court gave voice to his pain for last Tuesday’s blitz – arranged by the Public Prosecutor of Sassari – in the diocese of Ozieri. “There was this blitz last Tuesday, this afflicted me so much even though the financial police and the public prosecutor of Sassari were very kind. They made it clear that it was a duty, after a report from the Promoter’s office Vatican justice. Six months later – he said – another inspection, another investigation: it is a humiliation for the diocese and for the bishop. I want to express all my solidarity for the bishop who suffered these humiliations ” . “First of all with regard to the Spes Cooperative, – he observed – I am proud and proud of having found funds to support this cooperative which employs 60 boys and girls who, as the Pope calls them, are” waste “of society: former drug addicts , former prisoners, children with health problems. Even during the pandemic, employment did not cease, on the contrary, it increased. And a Cooperative, the right arm of Caritas in Ozieri, engaged in the social problem. the fact is that, by sending money to Caritas in Ozieri, I wanted to favor my family. This is an accusation against which I will defend myself in court and which I have always rejected and rejected. And I reject it with the same documentation of the magistrates that is contained in the summons: they ascertained that 100 thousand euros were sent to Caritas in 2013, 25 thousand euros in 2015, 100 thousand euros in 2018. I count of Caritas because the bishop must begin the construction of a house of service for the poor which will begin shortly. House that will be built on land donated by the municipality of Ozieri “.” The 25 thousand euros were used to buy a machine for a bakery. These 100,000 and 25,000 euros were from the Pardon. The 100 thousand euros of 2013, they admit themselves, – observed Becciu – were a loan from the IOR that I had requested and repaid. I had sent them while waiting for the funds from the CEI to arrive, the Cooperative has already returned me 50,000 euros and 50,000 I left them as a donation to help their social and charitable works. So in the end it is 125 thousand euros that have arrived from the Pence of St. Peter. These 125 thousand euros are there, what money did my family members get? “. And on the Cei fund, he added:” what do I have to do with it? The CEI gave it because, according to the bursar of the time questioned now by the magistrates, the project was good and to be supported. They did the reporting and everything was spent on a regular basis. What do I have to do with it? I have to answer only for those 125 thousand euros. One hundred thousand are still unspent in the Caritas fund, the 25 thousand have been used to buy the bakery machinery. What went to my family? “.