ACTUAL Son of Alexander Dubček and well – known doctor Pavol Dubček († 73) died suddenly –

The daily about Pavel Dubček’s death was reported by the daily New time. Pavol’s son was born to the Dubček family in 1948 and several citizens of the capital could recognize him as a well-known doctor at the polyclinic on Tehelná Street. So he did not follow in his father’s political footsteps.

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Source: TASR – Štefan Puškáš

He allegedly got a stroke

The cause of death of the son of an iconic politician from the time of Czechoslovakia seems to be a stroke. Pavol died at the age of 73 in a hospital in Kramáry, Bratislava.

Pavol Dubček was born on July 7, 1948 in Trenčín. He started going to school in Banská Bystrica and after graduating from the Bratislava grammar school he studied medicine at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University. He graduated in 1972, but did not immediately practice medicine because his father Alexander Dubcek, the leader of the Prague Spring, was persecuted by the communist regime after the Warsaw Pact invasion. He worked as a night porter at the Bratislava housing association in Bratislava. He finally got a medical job in Malacky. Most recently, he worked as a surgeon and traumatologist at the Tehelná Polyclinic in Bratislava.

As a young man, he practiced karate

Pavol Dubček has been actively involved in karate for years, he was one of the first karate athletes in Slovakia. On the occasion of his 70th birth, the founder of Slovak karate shihan, Takeji Ogawa, and the president of the Slovak Karate Association, Daniel Líška, congratulated him. On this occasion, they presented him with an honorary STV DAN.

After 1989, Pavol Dubček was also involved in Slovak politics. In the municipal elections in 2014, he was elected a deputy in the Nové Mesto district of Bratislava, when he ran for the political party Direct Democracy. Four years later, after the municipal elections, he joined the Bratislava-Nové Mesto council as a candidate for the Green Party of Slovakia. In 2019, he ran for the European Parliament as a candidate for the Slovak National Party (SNS).

The website of the National Council of the Slovak Republic also expresses its sincere condolences to the family.