Winpoll poll, Trizzino favorite center-left candidate

The Sicilian regional deputy Giampiero Trizzino of the M5S is the preferred candidate of the ‘classic’ center-left (Pd-M5S) for 25.3 per cent of the Palermitans. This is what emerges from a Winpoll survey carried out between 11 and 14 February. Followed by the former rector Fabrizio Micari with 24.4 percent of the citizens interviewed, and again the deputy mayor Fabio Giambrone, considered the ‘dolphin’ of the mayor Leoluca Orlando, who would be voted by 20.8 percent, followed by the regional deputy Pd Antonello Cracolici with 18.8 per cent and by the Palermo traffic councilor Giusto Catania (Sinistra Comune) with 10.7 per cent.