Paulína Fialková does not know how her career will continue: I am physically and mentally exhausted – Š

Slovak biathlete Paulína Fialková during the women’s 12.5 km women’s mass start race in the Changjia resort at the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing Source: TASR / AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth

BEIJING – Slovak biathlete Paulína Fialková does not yet know how her sports career will continue. After the current season, he plans to take a longer break and then see what happens next. She stated this after her final appearance at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The 27-year-old racer reached the 14th place in the sprint in Beijing, the tenth in the fighter and in the end she took the 26th place in the demanding start in demanding wind conditions. She was satisfied with her performances under five laps, she proved that she can still keep up with the world’s best. “It will tune me into the last three saints, and we’ll see what happens next.” she said.

When asked if this could mean the end of her career, she replied: “First of all, I think I need to take a terrible rest. Much more than I’ve been training for the last ten years, after three weeks.”

The reason is exhaustion after a long performance in professional sports. Paulína Fialková has been involved in biathlon since 2001, she made her World Cup debut in 2012. “After so many years in world biathlon, I feel physically and mentally exhausted. I need a break and we’ll see what happens next.” stated.

These were probably the most difficult conditions there were

Friday’s mass races moved a day earlier, as the forecast for Saturday reported even more frosts and stronger winds than on Friday. And that’s what to say, because the temperature at the biathlon center in Changjia had dropped below -14 degrees during the mass, and the strong wind had changed several times on the shooting range. Of the 30 starters, Julia Džimová from Ukraine, who finished in seventh place with three mistakes, had the best shooting. The first four competitors missed the target one more time.

“I’m glad they moved it to today, it was supposed to blow even more tomorrow, although I can’t even imagine more. But most importantly, it was supposed to be even much colder, and that might be irregular conditions. So I’m glad we’re done and I can go warm up, “ she said.

  Slovak biathlete Paulína
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Source: TASR / AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth

Paulína Fialková did not have a second bed and a second handstand when she did not lower three or four targets. She did not whiten eight of them together, which was enough for 26th place with a loss of 3: 46.8 to the winning Frenchwoman Justine Braisaz-Bouchet.

“It was probably the toughest conditions here, even worse than in the mix. It was wild with that wind. I shot the last hand so I couldn’t even aim at the target anymore. There was a strong gust of wind. Hat down in front of the grandmothers, which, of course, did not, but it is also biathlon, “ said the holder of eight places in the top 3 in the World Cup.

I’m not leaving disappointed

Fialková presented herself at her third Olympics, her maximum is 5th place in the endurance race of the 2018 Winter Olympics. In the “mass”, she lagged behind the Olympic maximum by five positions.

“The Olympics were physically and mentally demanding, for all those measures. We were locked in practically one place. I did what I could in the race, I did my best. “I’m not disappointed, but rather with the good feeling that I can still work my way up among the best babies in the World Cup.” she added.

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  • Source: TASR