Winpoll poll, 71 percent of Palermitans reject Orlando

Rejection without appeal for the administration of Leoluca Orlando, mayor of Palermo. For 71% of citizens, the quality of life in Palermo has deteriorated in the last 10 years. This is what emerges from a Winpoll survey carried out between 11 and 14 February. Eight percent of respondents believe that the quality of life has improved since 2012. For 21 per cent it remained essentially the same. Among those who say they have improved, 11 percent are under 30, 10 percent between 30 and 44, 8 percent between 45 and 65 and 5 percent over sixty-five. Of these, 5 percent vote for the League, 11 percent for the Democratic Party, 9 percent for the M5S, 6 percent for Fratelli d’Italia and 7 percent for Forza Italia. When asked how they assess the work of the Orlando administration, citizens replied: 49 percent “very bad”, 23 percent “more harm than good”, 20 percent “neither bad nor good” “and 7 percent” more good than bad “, with one percent saying” very good “. Positive opinions come for 10 percent from under 30, 6 percent from 30 to 44, 8 percent from 45 to 65 and 9 percent from over 65. asked the citizens interviewed ‘How much trust do you have in Leoluca Orlando?’ and 50 percent answered “Not at all”, 31 percent “Little”, 14 percent “enough” and 5 percent “a lot”. Among the positive assessments, 234 percent came from over 65s, 15 percent from under 30s, 13 percent from 30-44 years old and 18 percent from 45 to 65 years old. Among them 16 per cent of males and 22 per cent of females.