The Opera Foundations write to Fedriga: “Covid slows down, stop the distancing of the artistic masses”

The pandemic slows down and we are moving towards a return to normal. With this in mind, the lyric-symphonic foundations have written a letter – which Adnkronos is able to anticipate – signed by the president of Anfols, Francesco Giambrone, and by the superintendents of La Scala, Dominique Meyer, and of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. , Michele dall’Ongaro, addressed to the president of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Massimiliano Fedriga, to ask for the abolition of the measures that require the distancing of the artistic masses in theaters and concert halls. A measure that, according to the leaders of the Foundations, “should be considered outdated”, being linked to “an acute phase of the pandemic” which is instead slowing down. Anfols (National Association of Symphonic Lyric Foundations), Scala and Santa Cecilia recall in the letter that, based on the measures still in force, orchestra professors must “maintain an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter”. Distance that for wind instruments is 1.5 meters and for the conductor and the first row of the orchestra is 2 meters. Furthermore, the artists of the Choir are currently forced to maintain a lateral interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter and at least 2 meters between any files of the choir and the other subjects present on the stage. “It is evident, in fact – the letter reads – as the obligation of an ordinary green pass for workers under the age of 50 and a reinforced green pass for those beyond above the aforementioned age – together with the slowdown in the spread of the virus – represent adequate measures of guarantee and safety “. the members of the choir negatively affect the cultural offer, making it impossible to perform the entire repertoire “, and remember that during the pandemic the Foundations” worked to keep the offer as wide and adequate as possible, also through forms and innovative tools such as new technologies and digital. At this point, however – they reiterate in the letter – the validity of the rule on distancing would represent a limit no longer adequate to the context, with a serious impact on the activities. Finally, we point out that this discipline has no equal in other European countries. This, in addition to causing difficulties in the event of a tour abroad, shows that it is not considered an effective measure in the rest of Europe “, they conclude. (By Pippo Orlando)