Atac, Mottura: “Good new board, strengthens intervention capacity for company restructuring”

” I am satisfied with the continuity that was wanted to give and that gives me the opportunity to put the two years of experience as sole director at the disposal of the company and the new board of directors, which strengthens the ability to intervene at 360 degrees with respect to the restructuring of Atac which was started with the Concordat and which must be concluded ”. This was stated by the president of Atac Giovanni Mottura in an interview with Adnkronos, regarding the new governance of the municipal transport system with the return to the board of directors. ” The collaboration with Atm, in particular with Arrigo Giana, was already born in 2020-21 when together with the Neapolitan transport company we arrived at the establishment of a Consortium with the aim of participating in synergy in accessing the resources of the PNRR for the electrification of the three largest metropolitan cities. Obviously – he added – he is also open to adhesions from other cities. Arrigo Giana for me represents an element of continuity in this project but I am truly convinced that his great knowledge as a carrier can bring a decisive improvement to all strategic processes, moreover he has been entrusted with a specific delegation that we will hurry to fill with meaning. ”. ” The PNRR – he continued – is a great positive fallout, the funds have already been made available, we are completing the procedures to access the first of the PNRR opportunities which is the electrification of a large part of our fleet of surface and the creation of infrastructures, the change will not only be on vehicles but also on transport infrastructures which will have to be more central to allow more efficient use of electric vehicles. The times will be short, given that the PNRR must see its conclusion in 2026, we will start immediately with the executive projects and in the next two years 2023-24 there will already be the possibility of seeing something concrete in the construction of the structures for the purposes of recharging ‘ ‘. The recruitment programs, explained Mottura, “will have to continue, even for natural replacements. We are 11 thousand and many of our colleagues are retiring. I hope to be able to implement a hiring program that also includes strengthening the technical engineering part of the team. . To face the PNRR well we need technicians’ ‘.’ The renewal of the surface fleet, “one of the pillars of the Concordat, has had a good dimension in the last two years. We managed with the latest Citaro hybrid vehicles to exceed 800 units, more than half of the fleet available today is new. This lowering of the average age of the buses is strongly correlated with the decrease in the number of cases, 48 ​​episodes of fires in 2018 and 16 in 2021. Obviously this is not enough, we know, we must arrive in the course of three years to have a completely renewed fleet and that it can be properly maintained according to simple standards, this – he concluded – is one of our main objectives ”