University, the first triple degree in the world at Luiss

A triple degree to train future international leaders. Because the Italian “diplomacy of culture and training” connects and brings three continents together to prepare global managers. It is following this trajectory that today, with an online ceremony, Luiss Guido Carli, Renmin University of China in Beijing and George Washington University in Washington DC, announced the launch of ‘Ace’ – acronym of “America, China & Europe “, an unprecedented ‘triple degree’ in ‘Business Administration’ which, uniting three different countries and managerial and institutional cultures, represents an absolute new entry in the world panorama of higher education. The Rector of Luiss Andrea Prencipe, the Vice Rector for Internationalization Raffele Marchetti, the President of Renmin University of China Liu Wei and the President of George Washington University Mark S. Wrighton participated in the signing of the new educational path. The Ace degree course will start from September 2022 and is highly innovative, geographically itinerant and structured over a total duration of four years, it will give female students the opportunity to achieve three valid and recognized degrees, one for each university. in the United States, China and Europe, and to aspire to hold senior positions in multinationals and global institutions. An international training experience that will offer the opportunity to immerse yourself in the economic, social and managerial culture of the three continents. In fact, students will spend the first year in their respective universities to acquire the fundamentals of economics and management. They will then jointly attend the II, III and IV year in the three capitals, starting from Luiss in Rome, to move to Renmin University in Beijing and finally to the States, to George Washington University. The costs of enrolling in Ace, clarified Luiss, are in line with the university contributions of one’s own University of origin for the entire duration of the course. “The Ace program, a partnership between Luiss, Renmin and George Washington University, places Italy at the center of the routes of international higher education and goes in the direction of responding to the need to train ‘future-ready’ global managers able to work and interacting in increasingly multicultural contexts “explained the Rector of Luiss Andrea Prencipe. “Having traced an ideal red line between the capitals Rome, Beijing and Washington, in line with our Strategic Plan and an innovative educational model, means for us to train professionals with a cosmopolitan character and promote the international mobility of talents”, stressed Prencipe.