Another Armageddon wind is approaching: Closed schools and canceled flights! It will be the worst in THESE cities –

On Thursday, in several European countries, it looked like all the devils were getting married. Meteorologists issued warnings against a strong wind, behind which was the storm Ylenia. The one above our territory brought a wind with a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and what’s more, a hurricane was blowing on Lomnický štít at a speed of up to 140 kilometers per hour. In addition, storms have been observed and flood warnings have been issued in several regions. In addition, it was very warm.

Archive VIDEO Strong wind ravages Europe: Crane tore down in Poland! Shots from which it freezes

Ylenia swept through our territory in two phases and caused considerable damage. After all, firefighters had up to 140 departures until last night, mostly for fallen trees, flooded family houses and other damage.

However, the situation was extreme in Poland, where a total of 6 tornadoes crashed due to bad weather. She has done enormous damage that our northern neighbors have not yet cleared, and they are already afraid of another wind apocalypse. Hurricane Zeynep, named Eunice in Britain, is heading for them from the British Isles. It will cause numerous damage in western countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and gradually the storm will arrive in the Czech Republic and Poland on Saturday. Fortunately, the territory of Slovakia will hit only partially and not as hard as in the surrounding countries. However, the most serious situation is in the British Isles, where wind speeds are expected to reach up to 145 kilometers per hour.

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Source: FB / Weather Northern Bohemia

Hard moments on the plane

In London, due to a strong wind, they issued a red warning against a strong wind, which, according to Dailymail, should reach speeds of up to 100 miles per hour, ie about 160 kilometers per hour. Competent people were encouraged to leave the house only when necessary and to watch out for flying objects. Hundreds of schools have closed across Britain and reduced traffic. In Wales, for example, all train services have been canceled, as have British Airways canceled dozens of flights at London’s Heathrow and City airports. Several London attractions such as the London Eye, Kew Gardens and Legoland were also closed. The British government closed schools and, following warnings from meteorologists, put an army on standby to help deal with the aftermath of the windstorm.

Archive VIDEO Britain is fighting another wind disaster: Hurricane has closed schools and canceled flights!

The pilots had a hard time this morning as they struggled to land while an extreme crosswind blew at Birmingham Airport, while a Vueling plane from Paris swayed sharply from side to side as it approached the runway in a wind speed of about 100 kilometers. in an hour.

In Wales and other coastal areas, they also warned people of high waves and storms. According to the authorities, this will be the worst storm in 32 years. The highest gusts today at 9:30 a.m. were 148 miles per hour on the Isle of Wight, 140 miles per hour on the Swansea, 127 miles per hour on the Isles of Scilly and 120 miles per hour on the Capel Curig in North Wales. In Wales at Mumbles station, they measured a gust of wind at speeds of over 140 km / h, but the wind is still gaining momentum.

The reader Barbora, who is currently studying in Wales – Cardiff, contacted us. As she said, due to a strong wind, her classes were canceled on Friday and the competent people urged residents not to leave the house. “People who live by the sea should watch out for high waves,” stated.

Videos from Britain, where a huge storm is uprooting trees, are being broadcast on social networks. They fall on houses, garden houses, but also on cars. The wind was also supposed to overturn trucks and tear down a lot of roofs from houses. According to Dailymail, the highest measured speed so far was 122 miles per hour, ie almost 200 kilometers per hour. IN The town of Bude in Cornwall storm tore down a huge tree that crashed into a park.

Additional warnings

In the north of Slovakia, there may be a wind in the mountains on Friday. At night, it can reach speeds of 135 to 160 kilometers per hour. The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ) therefore issued a first and second degree warning. In some districts, floods are threatened by melting snow. He informs about it on his website. Before the wind in the mountains, be careful in the districts of Poprad, Brezno, Liptovský Mikuláš, Banská Bystrica, Ružomberok, Turčianske Teplice, Martin, Žilina, Dolný Kubín, Námestovo and Tvrdošín. The first stage warning is valid until 22.00, the second stage until Saturday afternoon.

Another wind is approaching

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Source: HaZZ in Žilina

Meteorologists expect the wind at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour from 7 p.m. Therefore, they issued a first-degree warning for the Námestovo, Tvrdošín and Kežmarok districts. Flood hazards are threatening in the districts of Žilina, Martin, Ružomberok, Čadca, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Námestovo, Dolný Kubín, Tvrdošín, Bánovce nad Bebravou, Michalovce and Sobrance. A first-level warning applies to these areas, and the SHMÚ issued a second-level warning for the Turčianske Teplice district. “Due to existing snow reserves, warming and fallen liquid precipitation, water levels have risen. Current water levels are peaking or falling,” meteorologists noted.

Due to strong winds, firefighters intervened in the Trnava region from Thursday (February 17) to Friday morning in 22 events. It involved removing fallen trees from roads, power lines, torn roofs and broken trees that threatened traffic and buildings. Firefighters also intervened during the fallen tri-theater tent in front of the hospital in Trnava, said the regional spokeswoman for the fire brigade, Lena Košťálová.

Another wind is approaching

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Source: FB / District Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Pleszew

Members of the Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) and volunteer firefighters in the Trenčín self-governing region completed 21 interventions in connection with the weather situation on Thursday (February 17) and Friday. According to Marián Petrík, a spokesman for the Regional Directorate of the HaZZ in Trenčín, in most cases it was about removing fallen and broken trees from roads, local roads and sidewalks, in two cases removing trees that had fallen to passenger cars. Firefighters also removed loose metal on the roofs of buildings.

Another wind is approaching

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Source: FB / District Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Pleszew

We will update the article.

Another Armageddon wind is approaching: Closed schools and canceled flights! It will be the worst in THESE cities