Mps-David Rossi, pm Natalini: “Scena has not been polluted”

The scene was not polluted. This was stated by the public prosecutor Aldo Natalini who, heard in a hearing before the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the death of David Rossi, when asked if the scene had been polluted, replied: “In my opinion, no”. “The subject of the alleged probative pollution was also dealt with by the investigating judge”, remarked the prosecutor Natalini, adding that the “investigating judge excludes it”. “The movements are minimal”, he concluded. LETTER TO FIG – “Absolutely not”. So the prosecutor Aldo Natalini replied, before the Commission of inquiry into the death of David Rossi, to the question if he was aware of the letter sent by the lawyer Andrea Vernazza to the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico regarding the work of the Parliamentary Commission of inquiry on the death of David Rossi. “The day after the hearing of Aglieco and the media follow-up that took place, he called me Marini (the other prosecutor, ed.), Embittered and told me he would speak with the lawyer Vernazza”, he recalled. “Then I learn from the press, I am amazed and write to Vernazza”, he underlines, referring to the letter sent to President Fico and explaining that he had written to the lawyer Vernazza telling him that the initiative had not been “previously agreed, not shared by me. and above all completely unknown to me “.