Innovation, at the start of Geco: 3D virtual fair on eco-sustainability

The second edition of the virtual 3D fair on eco-sustainability kicks off on March 1, in an immersive environment, customizable with an avatar and interactive. There is a dense program of meetings, open to the public and free, to talk about the future of the Planet, smart cities and new technologies. And thanks to the partnership with ZeroCO2 in Guatemala, Geco Jungle, the forest of Geco Expo, will be born. The initiative is promoted by the Smart Eventi agency with the contribution of Mazda and Le Village Ca, and the partnership among others of Legambiente, Touring Club, Kyoto Club, the National Sharing Mobility Observatory, PoliHub and AlmaCube. From renewable energy to sustainable mobility, from slow local tourism to the circular economy, passing through eco-food: these are the five thematic areas on which the international event will focus, whose admission is open to the public and free, upon registration on the site The program. It starts on 1 March at 9.30 with a video intervention by Luca Mercalli entitled ‘How is the planet’, followed by a round table on the climate crisis with experts, including Stefano Caserini, professor of the Milan Polytechnic and author, and the bioarchitect Gianni Terenzi who will act as moderator. Following, at 11.15, the meeting on energy communities – those associations of citizens, institutions and other subjects who decide to join forces to equip themselves with plants for the production of renewable energy – which will be attended by Alberto Pinori, president, among others. Anie Rinnovabili Confindustria, and Livio De Santoli, Vice Rector for sustainability at Sapienza in Rome. Also during the first day, but at 3.40 pm, it is the turn of Storytelling and Storymaking linked to the relaunch of the tourism and cultural sector with Sebastiano Venneri, representative of Legambiente, and other guests.