Excellent but unmanageable super bonus, that’s why

The superbonus is an ” excellent ” tool but, due to the mistakes made, it is ” unmanageable ” and ” is bringing our work to its knees ”. This was stated by the sole director of Impredo, Daniele D’Orazio, interviewed by Adnkronos. ” It is unthinkable that the State does a beautiful thing, which provides 10% more than the expenses to be incurred to put you in a position not to lose out, and then the money goes to those who already have it, to those who are already rich ‘ ‘. ” The main problem, the mistake made, was to introduce an excellent and excellent element in its intent, such as the superbonus, but with too stringent implementation times ”. ” To defuse the risk of fraud and make the tool work, the rule should be frozen ”, according to the administrator. ” Those who started should be able to finish the work and also have the opportunity to discount the credits with those who signed the existing contracts ”. According to D’Orazio, the figure put in place with the PNRR should be “‘budgeted’ ‘. The idea is to foresee an’ annual budget ‘, set a ceiling on the resources available and’ ‘ at the right time, with designers who are not overwhelmed, with companies that do not have problems with manpower and materials, and therefore there is no risk of fraud. ” So there is a need for ” a total freezing of everything that has been done to put the owners in conditions of home and businesses to complete the work. ” Furthermore, “ every year it is established that the figure is that, for example 2 billion, and when you are finished, the bonuses are blocked and you start again the following year ”, he explains D’Orazio. In this way “you give time to those who started the works to complete them, find the designer, the appropriate and consistent price, etc.”.