Jean-Jacques Bourdin targeted by a new complaint for “sexual assault” – The HuffPost

Eric Fougere via Getty Images

Jean-Jacques Bourdin targeted by a second sexual assault complaint (Photo of Jean Jacques Bourdin by Eric Fougere/VIP Images/Corbis via Getty Images)

SEXUAL ASSAULT – New complaint and new testimony against Jean-Jacques Bourdin. While he is already accused by journalist Fanny Agostini of “attempted sexual assault”, which he categorically deniesthe star reporter is also accused of “sexual assault”, “harassment” and “sexual exhibition”, reveals The Parisian this Thursday, February 17.

The newspaper collected the testimony of a woman who wished to remain anonymous and who is, as such, nicknamed Marie. She evokes facts that allegedly took place in 1988, 34 years ago, and therefore now time-barred, for which she filed a complaint on Wednesday according to The Parisian. At the time, she was a receptionist in a communication company based in Neuilly-Plaisance (Seine-Saint-Denis). Jean-Jacques Bourdin, journalist on RTL, came there to give “media training” courses.

From the first time he comes to give his lesson, the journalist would have quickly been very insistent towards the switchboard operator, who describes “long insistent looks”, “grunts of contentment and satisfaction” against him. Would also have followed insistent calls. Then, he would have offered to visit the premises of RTL, which she would have accepted. But things didn’t go as planned at all.

“He had like a new face, a double face”

When he came to pick her up in the car, the complainant recounted in particular how the journalist suddenly changed his “face”, tried to kiss her “rather brutally” and tried to make her touch her sex, before she ends up freeing herself, “dazed, paralyzed” and opens the door to get out.

Subsequently, Marie reportedly said nothing about her work, for fear of being fired. However, in his complaint read by The Parisian, it is indicated that during at least “four or five” meetings in the premises of the agency, Jean-Jacques Bourdin would have continued to harass her. Thirty-four years later, even if she knows that the facts are prescribed, Marie, inspired by Fanny Agostinisays she hopes “that justice will be done, and that other women find the same courage” to speak.

Contacted by The Parisian, his lawyer, Me Éric Morain, evokes a “need” for his client to file a complaint, because “nothing is ever prescribed for the victims. This complaint may suggest that between today and 36 years ago, many things could have happened… It will be up to the investigation to determine it”.

See also on The HuffPost: RMC: Bourdin confirms his departure from the morning live