Covid today Italy, Galli: “Game with virus is not over”

“It’s still an open game, with this virus we didn’t reach extra time. We are at the end of the first half.” Professor Massimo Galli, former director of the infectious diseases department of the Sacco hospital in Milan, in L’aria che tira thus expresses himself on the picture of the covid epidemic in Italy today. “In the ‘rich’ countries we are in an advantageous situation. After having suffered several comebacks, including the one led by Omicron, now the infections are objectively decreasing. The impact” of the virus “on hospitals and resuscitations has reduced. it is the fundamental element, it is the signal of a situation that is becoming more favorable “, he says. It would be a mistake to abandon any kind of caution. “What awaits us in the autumn we cannot know 100%. It seems to me that I have seen this story several times: as soon as horizons open, everything goes to wreck … The lesson of the pandemic is heavy, there are different attitudes compared to the ‘let’s give up everything.’ The virus has given us 3 different variants one after the other, creating serious problems “, even if” it is also difficult for this virus to send us a fourth variant with connotations of danger “, says Galli.” The green pass it is a protection and not a harassment, at least for all those who have decided to do everything for themselves and for others “, he says, referring to those who have also received the third dose. “It’s a guarantee, the rest is political”, he says, answering questions on whether to keep the green pass. A joke on the story of Novak Djokovic: the number 1 in world tennis does not intend to get vaccinated and is ready to skip tournaments like Wimbledon or Roland Garros: “It is an unintelligent decision. Frankly it is stupid. It is a decision that supports the values ​​of ignorance. Either he is really phobic towards decisive issues or this choice is … personal, so I solve the problem related to the use of harsh terms “.