Clean hands, Judicial errors: “Only 54% of initial suspects convicted, many unjustly in prison”

There is no complete list, official data is lacking, but there are many stories of unjust detentions in the years of Tangentopoli, and not only related to the Milanese branch of Clean Hands. Stories that tells, among the many collected in the over 800 cases present in the online archive. And that help to reconstruct an aspect of the investigation that marked the Italian political-judicial history 30 years ago. With a starting point, which gives the measure of how many were actually found guilty and how many later acquitted, as explained to Adnkronos by Valentino Maimone, journalist and founder, together with Benedetto Lattanzi, of the Association. “We forget that only 54% of all initial suspects were convicted, there is a slice of 46% who were acquitted or acquitted by prescription. And there have been people throughout Italy who went to prison by mistake “. “It is impossible to have certain data, the last ones available date back to 2000, the files were broken up into several strands, the positions transmitted elsewhere for territorial jurisdiction – he remembers – The numbers are unreliable and no one has ever dealt with the unjust detention linked to the Tangentopoli affair. In the absence of official numbers, it is impossible to circumscribe the facts. We tried, but we were forced to give up “. But there are stories that allow us to draw a more complete picture: “In addition to the politicians involved in the most famous cases, there were those affected by various trends in other regions of Italy. For example Clelio Darida, former mayor of Rome, former minister of Justice, the only keeper to end up in prison “. The case cited is that of the Christian Democrat politician, one of the protagonists of the First Republic, several times minister and mayor of Rome. In 1993 he was accused of aggravated fraud, 4 months’ imprisonment, partly in prison and partly under house arrest, compensated with 100 million lire.And there are many cases of entrepreneurs, from South Tyrol to Sicily. Vito Saccani, a builder from Bolzano, has received the most substantial compensation, one billion lire. Accused of aggravated fraud, he was in prison for 76 days, two and a half months, and the state paid him one billion lire for unjust detention. Accused of conspiracy, aggravated corruption, auction disruption and abuse of office, the former deputy of the Sicily Region Salvatore Lombardo was overwhelmed by the cyclone Tangentopoli but was innocent. To ascertain this, it took ten years of trials, four months in prison and almost two under house arrest. The Palermo Court of Appeal set the compensation amount at 210 thousand euros in 2006. Bortolo Mainardi was instead involved in the ‘Tangentopoli Bellunese’, a month and a half between prison and house arrest on charges of extortion and attempted extortion and a compensation of 25 thousand euros. city ​​councilor, who ended up without fault in a maxi investigation on charges of criminal association of a mafia type. In prison for 9 months, then fully acquitted, he was compensated for unjust detention with over 21 thousand euros. The story of Giuseppe Adamoli refers to the Milanese trend, accused by the Mani Pulite pool of violating the law on public financing of parties and contributing to corruption, then acquitted because the fact does not exist and compensated for unjust detention with 10 million lire. In Nuoro Franco Ammendola, then a member of the PSDI, was the first politician to end up in prison, on 1 December 1992, when the so-called “Mani clean Ogliastra” began. Completely acquitted, he received a compensation of 17,450 euros.