School, a thousand principals in revolt: “They sent us to the north, but Azzolina appointed to Sicily”

The storm continues on the 2017 principals competition, made famous for the participation of the former Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina. This time, it is not the aspiring school principals who have been shouting scandal for years, but the winners of the competition asking to be listened to. A thousand principals called into service in 2019, especially in the north and in any case not in their home region, as they had requested; “icing on the cake, we risk, with the next competition for regional rankings on the way, of being definitively penalized by the system and of no longer being able to go home, while Minister Lucia Azzolina has received the assignment ‘under the house’, in Sicily, despite being at the bottom of the ranking “. Benedetto Lo Piccolo, manager of the IC De Amicis, in Busto Arsizio, in Lombardy, where he arrived following his 2019 assignment from Sicily, reports it to Adnkronos on behalf of the group of a thousand. “We are the best and we have been sent to the north without any economic aid from the state, which we have supported and served with dedication in these years of pandemic guaranteeing the opening of schools – says the Director – We simply ask that interregional mobility be extended from 30% to 100% of seats. Or we will go on hunger and thirst strike. ” This is the story: the management positions offered in 2017 were spread over a four-year period, 2022 included. In 2019, the first 1984 winning executives took up their duties. A thousand of which were transferred to other regions, uprooted by their families. In 2020, the entry into the role involved approximately 345 principals (1/3 of which were appointed in their region of belonging). Last call in 2021 for 396 principals, 2/3 of which are appointed outside the region; 1/3 is nominated in the house, among them Azzolina ranked in place 2539. “We are not interested in the fate of the former minister. But having passed three years since our first assignment, we would like to go home, to rejoin our families. The fact that interregional mobility, limited to 30%, continues to perpetrate the scandal of those who arrive last in the ranking but take their place under the house – observes the Manager – Made even more serious with the new competition arriving in 2023, which provides for regional rankings and condemns those who have remained outside their region to be so for life. We want to be heard and guaranteed by Minister Bianchi, who had committed himself with an act of guidance which he has no longer followed up. We recall that already a hundred winners have renounced to the assignment, not being able to bear the costs of relocation and a remote family management with immense consequent sacrifices “.