Euthanasia, Cappato: “It was a political decision”

“I was not optimistic”. So to the microphones of Radio Capital Marco Cappato, treasurer of the Luca Coscioni Association, after the Constitutional Court declared inadmissible the question asking to decriminalize the murder of the consenting party. “Giuliano Amato, an institutional figure of the highest level, is also a political personality. And this is also a very political decision”, he said, going back to saying that it is “a bad sign for democracy”. Read also On the cannabis referendum, Cappato added, “if the Court were to declare this question inadmissible, not only would the issue such as euthanasia be wiped out, but an entire referendum season. Among other things, I doubt that at that point the referendum on justice would be able to reach the quorum. And that is why I say that I am more worried about Italian democracy than about euthanasia “.” There was intolerance towards us, an obvious hostility. And so it ended up like ‘ it had to end for them “, Cappato said again. “As far as I know, they wanted to hurry even earlier – he explained – I was inside the Constitutional Court and I saw the face of the rapporteur Franco Modugno who snorted irritably and without demeanor at the arguments of our lawyers”. “It’s eight and a half years that we have filed a popular initiative law that has never been discussed, it is three and a half years that the Constitutional Court itself had paradoxically invited to legislate the Parliament – said Cappato, speaking of the examination of the bill on the end of life in the Chamber – Here, the text present today is a step back from what is already legal in Italy: the speakers of the Democratic Party and M5S have presented a text that restricts rights because assisted suicide under certain conditions is already legal in Italy. it can allow us to have confidence. ” “The Consult – added Cappato – among other things motivated its decision in the press release with the problem of protecting the most fragile and weak people: a paradox, because I believe that the best way to protect them is to allow them to choose not having to undergo unbearable suffering as a condition of torture “. Waiting to see if it will be denied by the parties, he then explained that “certainly we will not stand by and watch, the road for us so far has been that of civil disobedience, trials, appeals and let’s go on like this. The management is being able to let the choice be made. people”.