Presidential: for Emmanuel Macron’s campaign, “everything is ready” – franceinfo

Still no official declaration of candidacy in sight for the President of the Republic. Unless surprise, it will not be until next week. But the campaign of the (very probable) future candidate is already ready.

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The macronists being fond of Anglicisms, the campaign team explains that it has prepared a “full package”, understand: a candidate’s agenda full to bursting. Travel, meetings, interviews, “facing the French”, in the traditional media or online, on social networks… The future candidate then has to do his shopping. A majority leader describes an Emmanuel Macron “who loves confrontation” and that “is impatient, wants to fight.” “His candidacy is obvious, adds a historical macronist, but he must not crash. And he is not going to crash.”

>> To read also: a new leaflet for Emmanuel Macron, still not a candidate

Everything is ready for the first 15 days”, assures a government source. “You will not be bored, there will be very innovative things”, enthuses an adviser. Another lists the field of possibilities in terms of new media, well beyond Facebook and Twitter: Konbini, Twitch, Spotify…

On the merits, an arbitration of the program will be carried out this week. With four or five strong proposals, no more. Especially since, according to a member of the first circle, “After five months of pre-campaigning, very few subjects have taken.”

The campaign will be short, and “you have to impose your themes in the ambient hubbub”, explains a strategist. The Head of State will only hold three or four “big” meetings, other public meetings in a more modest configuration will be provided by his supporters. As for a debate with the other candidates, it’s still no. Comment from a relative: “Since it will have little bandwidth, it is better to reserve it for proposals rather than small sentences”.