Petra Vlhová’s “helpers” are already in action: We have a military regime, it’s like sci-fi here – Š

today 12:00

A group of eleven boys from Liptov set out for Beijing Olympics more than a week ago, where they are helping Chinese organizers to adjust their ski slopes.

Š he addressed the leader of the expedition Michal Mrázikwho in an exclusive interview also revealed, among other things, what it is like to live in the Olympic bubble or described in more detail the conditions that prevail directly on the slopes.


Would you be able to describe in more detail how your group has experience with the modification of ski slopes and how long have you actually been involved in this activity?

“It took real contours 15 years ago, when the five partners founded an event agency and later a ski sports club. As former active skiers, we got to know the race as athletes, and since skiing didn’t stop entertaining us, we went on an organizing track.

We gained experience gradually – from organizing student races, through the Slovak Championships, the European Cups and finally the World Cups and the current Winter Olympics. We are eleven in China between the ages of 22 and 42. Most of them are young guys who are active skiers or instructors. ”

How did the Chinese organizers of the Winter Olympics find out about you and how did this collaboration come about?

“Two years before the Olympic Games themselves, we contacted the organizing team directly through Jana Palovičová (SP sports director in Jasná, editor’s note). An official request followed, we sent them our current portfolio and to convince them completely, we also sent them a short documentary filmed in 2016 at the World Cup in Jasná. Our goal was clear, to prepare the Olympic track. The answer came about half a year before the games themselves. ”

How was the preparation for leaving? There is often talk of strict conditions that athletes must meet before departure …

“Yes, COVID has complicated matters. The moment the news of the 21-day quarantine arrived after our arrival in China, we stopped giving it a big chance. Fortunately, the conditions have adjusted. Despite this positive change, it was necessary to undergo several medical examinations, fill in a large number of forms and, yes, proceed to health monitoring in a Chinese application, which had to be installed on a mobile phone. Seventy-two hours before departure, a series of PCR tests has begun, which will last until the end of our stay in China. ”

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In the photo you can see the Slovak team, which helps with the modification of the tracks at the Olympic Games 2022 in Beijing.

Source: Michal Mrázik Archive


Many athletes are especially afraid of the long journey to Beijing and the whole process of testing at the airport. Could you describe in more detail how your trip went?

“Our expedition flew from Vienna with a transfer in Istanbul and the whole thing took 11 hours. COVID measures did not significantly affect the length of the trip, most important documents were dealt with electronically in advance and it was only verified on the spot. I have to say that everything was very well organized at Beijing Airport, so we were equipped within the hour. It could be summed up in three steps: customs – passport – covid control. ”

As for the Olympic bubble, how do you work in it? It is said that the rules in Beijing are stricter than they were a year ago at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo …

“It’s like science fiction. We are accommodated in a hotel complex, which is huge, but the individual groups are divided into separate blocks. We have a separate dining room and buses reserved for us reserved for the ski resort. We live about an hour’s drive from Yanqing Winter Resort. Apart from the hotel, the bus and the resort, we won’t see much because we won’t get further outside the hotel complex. ”

How is your normal day going and what is your main task?

“We have a military regime. Alarm clock 4:45, then breakfast and security check. We work until about 17:00 and then we move back to the hotel. Then comes the evening, testing and sleep. You no longer have a taste for more. We are part of an international team that prepares race tracks. ”

It is said that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be the first to rely solely on artificial snow. It is very cold in the mountains near Beijing, but it is not snowing there. Have you ever encountered similar conditions?

“It’s just going on pure artificial snow. I have not yet encountered similar conditions, although from the point of view of race skiing, it could be said that these are almost ideal conditions. Temperatures are stable below zero, but there are no precipitation. The only thing that could affect what is happening on the Olympic slopes is a strong wind. ”

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The Beijing Olympics will rely solely on artificial snow.

Source: TASR


The Chinese are said to have everything planned down to the last detail. However, they really only have minimal experience with the organization of ski events …

“They are very hard-working people and it is a great pity that due to a pandemic, the planned World Cup could not take place in this center in 2021, where they would be able to learn a lot.

That is why they chose a compromise and called on experienced experts to help. For example, the tracks themselves are being prepared under the guidance of guys from Sochi and Bansko. The situation on the slope is assessed very positively globally and a few logistical details will be fine-tuned by the beginning of the Olympics. ”

How many days in total will you spend in China and when do you plan to go back to Slovakia?

“We will be here for a total of 30 days, departure home is scheduled for February 22, 2022.”

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Petra Vlhová and her team will be looking forward to detailed information about the Olympic track.

Source: SITA

Last but not least, Petra Vlhová and her team are particularly interested in Slovaks. Have you been in contact with her yet?

“We are in contact with the boys and we try to help as much as possible.”

And if you had to guess now, what results do you think Petra Vlhová will achieve at the Beijing Olympics? Will he bring home a medal in Slovakia?

“I am not superstitious, but I will not guess. We keep our fingers crossed for Petra, Martin and the Žampov brothers, so that the Olympics may be as successful as possible and we hope that in the end we will be able to celebrate it properly. ”

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