VIDEO: Slovakia is plagued by snow blowers. Hell is complete in the north. This is what it looks like here –

Today, Slovakia is plagued by a very strong wind, which breaks trees and tears down roofs. In the north of Slovakia, however, the situation is also complicated by snowfall, and in the northern areas of our territory there is a finished snow hell.

In Slovakia today we are struggling with a storm that complicates life in several places in our territory. The most serious situation at the moment is in our territory in the area of ​​western Slovakia, where the wind reaches gusts of over 100 km / h and uproots the trees.

The wind gusts over 100 km / h

Despite the strong wind, which is local to extreme, the wind in our territory has not yet officially claimed any injuries or casualties. It is different in the surrounding countries. They report one victim from Poland and the Czech Republic.

The wind in our territory is strongest in the mountains. The strongest wind so far is recorded by Chopok with a gust of 155 km / h. Of the lower positions, it is the windiest in the vicinity of Nitra. The wind gust here reached a speed of 105 km / h.

The extremely strong wind is mainly concentrated in the Nitra area, in the eastern part of Bratislava, in the vicinity of Hurbanov and especially between Trnava and Nový Mesto nad Váhom.

recorded wind gusts, source: SHMÚ

However, the extremely strong wind still prevails in our mountains, where it overcomes gusts of over 100 km / h, occasionally up to about 150 km / h. The wind in the mountains will be strongest in the evening.

The north is plagued by snowstorms

Strong winds plague practically our entire territory, while the most peaceful situation regarding the wind is in eastern Slovakia. On the contrary, hell reigns in the north. As can be seen in the video, there is a snowstorm in the areas of northern Slovakia.

A blizzard is created by a combination of snow and strong wind. Snowfall brings here a frontal system that undulates over our area. The precipitation field mainly affects the area of ​​Kysúc, Orava, Liptov and the Tatras.

In the districts of Levoča, Kežmarok and Poprad, due to snowfall and strong gusts of wind, snow tongues and snowdrifts are formed. Also due to snow and strong gusts of wind, there is poor to zero visibility in many places. Due to strong winds, snow tongues are formed on the sections of roads I / 18 Východná – Važec, I / 66 Sedlo Besník, I / 78 Príslop – Hruštín and in the district of Námestovo!

If we were to choose the section where it is the worst in our territory, it is the road III / 3061 in the section Štrba – Šuňava, where they had to close the road due to heavy snowdrifts.

Snowfall and strong winds will complicate traffic in the north of Slovakia until late in the evening, so if you can, definitely do not travel. See what it looks like on our travels in the gallery.

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