Nantes: “taken hostage”, Kombouaré angry after the new health protocol! – Maxifoot

Present at a press conference, the coach of FC Nantes, Antoine Kombouar, shouted about the new health protocol of the LFP which requires all players to test 48 hours of the match.

Antoine Kombouar very recovered against the LFP.

In order to adapt to the surge in positive cases with the Omicron variant and the latest government measures, the Professional Football League unveiled a new health protocol for Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 at the start of the week.

This presents a major change since it requires clubs to test all their players and staff 48 hours before the kick-off of each match. Previously, the tests were not systematic and were imposed only on non-vaccinated elements …

A. Kombouar – why did we have vaccines?

Consequence: the number of positive test players has significantly increased, with the risk of seeing matches postponed at the last moment. An aberrant situation for the coach of FC Nantes, Antoine Kombouar, who does not understand the usefulness of vaccinating the whole group if it is to then undergo new tests likely to thwart his plans at the last moment. The technician gave a resounding rant this Friday at a press conference.

I will be attentive and stressed because there is a first selection, it is the medical selection. I thought it was only me who could choose who could participate in the weekend. But a first selection is made by the tests, lamented Kanak. For me, it’s bullshit, an aberration, we have the three vaccines, we have the health pass, we did everything and today we have to do tests. Why did we do the vaccines? (…) If you have sick players, you leave them at home. They are players in great shape. We have had cases of positive players who were in great shape.

An early year puzzle …

For the 58-year-old man, who no longer feels the sole master of his choices, the notion of sports merit loses all its meaning. You shouldn’t be afraid of words, but today I’m taken hostage. If you’re a regular in such a small group, you know you’re going to be playing on the weekends even if you’re doing crappy workouts. How do I do ?, wondered the Canary. With numbers reduced by the Covid and the CAN and the uncertainty until the end on the holding of certain matches, the next few weeks are likely to turn into a puzzle for the coaches of France.

Remember that the protocol requires that a club play its match unless it has at least 11 players unavailable due to Covid-19 on the list of 30 sent at the start of the season. In this context, Kombouar, already confronted 6 absent for various reasons, squeeze buttocks while waiting for the results of the tests carried out 48 hours from the reception of Monaco on Sunday (5 p.m.) in Ligue 1 …

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