Violent blows, strangulation… Incredible scene in the restaurant of Laury Thilleman’s husband – Closer France

A scene of rare violence broke out in Juan Arbelaez’s restaurant on New Year’s Eve. About fifty police officers intervened in the establishment to enforce the closing time. Employees and customers were allegedly victims of violence during the intervention of the police.

A degenerating New Year’s Eve. During the night of December 31, 2021 to January 1, 2022, the police intervened in the Yaya restaurant, located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris and belonging to Juan Arbelaez, in order to close the establishment that did not respect the schedules imposed by law, report Point. Corn violence allegedly broke out between the fifty or so officials and the restaurant staff.

Due to the sanitary conditions linked to Covid-19, the Prefect of Police Didier Lallement announced on December 29 that restaurants, bars, brasseries are required to close at 2 a.m., with a ban on dancing. But this New Year’s Eve, the Yaya was still open fifteen minutes after closing time. The police therefore intervened to “squeeze” the employees and collect the twenty or so customers still present on site. The atmosphere was then tense and a sentence from an employee ignited the powder. “She is beautiful, France. This is what awaits you, young people“, he launched.

From that moment, clashes reportedly broke out. A police officer would have made a particular arm key to one of the employees, named Toussaint. According to Le Point, CCTV images testify to numerous acts of violence where we would see, for example, the police strike with their batons and use their tear gas on restaurant staff and customers. On the side of the police, it is explained that the customers and employees have said degrading or even insulting, towards them. Several of them were arrested and taken into police custody.

“I couldn’t breathe”

Shortly before the arrests, Yaya employees say they were attacked by the police. “They are five to six officials to jump on me to pin me to the ground. They hit me on the back with tonfa. One of them rests his knee on my throat. I lose consciousness for a few minutes “, explained Toussaint to Point. Same story with his colleague Faustin, who claims to have been strangled by a police officer: “I couldn’t breathe, I was trying to break free. I still can’t breathe, I had the flash of the guy choking to death by the police. I was calm, I get kicked on the ground as I put my hands behind my back. “ Injuries that left traces because the doctors diagnosed them with pain in the trachea, dermabrasions on the right wrist and shoulder blades, bruises, neck pain, edema in the arm or even a sore on the lip.

The management of Yaya reacted to this intervention to express their indignation: “For us, it’s unthinkable what happened. Unimaginable. There must be super-cops, that’s for sure, but there are a few police officers who tarnish the image of the police. There are those who knock and those who let it be “. At the time of the facts, Juan Arbelaez was absent. The chef takes advantage of a few days of vacation in Costa Rica with his partner Laury Thilleman.

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